A Well-Rounded Foundation for Life
St. Joseph Catholic Academy in Astoria is committed to the development of students of diverse backgrounds and faiths from nursery through eighth grade by providing a well-rounded foundation for future learning and life.
In addition to religion class, daily prayer, liturgies and classroom visits by the pastors of the aligned parishes: St. Joseph, Most Precious Blood, Corpus Christi, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, St. Rita and St. Patrick. We offer a rigorous academic program, complemented by classes in music, art, library, physical education, Spanish and yoga/mindfulness.

The children are also exposed to co-curricular activities that include modern and ballroom dance, theatre, film making, chorus and band.
In addition to their regular instruction in science, classes from first through eighth grade have a separate period in the newly renovated science lab. All instructional areas are equipped with SMART Board computer technology, and students have access to a portable notebook lab, and a computerized library containing 25 upgraded computer PCs.
The entire building is equipped with Wi-Fi capability for easy Internet accessibility. iPads are being used for instructional use in grades five through eight. Electronic textbooks are used in the intermediate and junior high grades for mathematics and social studies.
The Renzulli and Aquinas Programs challenge students to stretch themselves beyond the required curriculum while resource room and Title I Services in reading and mathematics meet the needs of youngsters who require additional academic support.
Learning for Life
The weekly Learning for Life Program includes an age-appropriate character building class on all grade levels, and we have introduced a Big Brother/Big Sister Program which pairs children on different grade levels for social activities to teach mutual respect, teamwork and personal responsibility. The academy is fortunate to have the services of a full-time counselor and a part-time social worker as well as a full-time department of health nurse.
God Centered
So that students are equipped to meet the future challenges to society and the planet, the educational program encourages in students a desire for lifelong learning, a willingness to give of their time and talents in service to others, and the development of a God-centered value system for life.
To that end, we seek to create a nurturing and supportive community committed to academic excellence, character building, and a respect for the religious and multi-cultural diversity that characterizes the community.
Our mission statement is to serve God and others by being well-mannered, well-educated, responsible and compassionate citizens of the global community.