Forming the Leaders of Tomorrow
St. John’s Preparatory School in Astoria has been paving the way for the Leaders of Tomorrow for nearly 150 years. The school is dedicated to promoting academic excellence and to instilling the principles and values of the Catholic faith in a positive, nurturing environment. Inspired by its Vincentian tradition, St. John’s Prep, established in 1870, is built upon the profound respect for every individual.
A vigorous academic curriculum, an engaging spiritual program, meaningful service experiences, and extensive extracurricular opportunities establish a strong foundation for life.
Spiritual Development
• Religious Studies curriculum and four-year Retreat Program
• Extensive Leadership Program
• A comprehensive Christian Service Program
• School-wide liturgies throughout the year
Academic Development
• 100 percent college acceptance
• Graduates awarded more than 40 million in college scholarships
• An exclusive Baccalaureate Program in partnership with St. John’s University in Jamaica, enables St. John’s Prep students to complete high school and college in seven years
• Honors Program; Advanced Placement (AP) courses, available in every academic discipline
• College Advantage Program in partnership with St. John’s University allows students to earn college credit in a wide variety of courses
• On-site college fair, college admissions interviews and college scholarship offerings
• A rigorous curriculum individualized to prepare students for success, and taught by talented and certified teachers
• Advanced classes in biology, chemistry and physics complement the science electives, such as forensic science, human health and disease, computer coding, 3-D printing
• Advanced language offerings in French, Italian, Latin and Spanish
• A full-time college counseling and guidance program
• SAT and ACT prep course taught by SJP College Board certified teachers
• Individual tutoring sessions offered by members of the faculty and National Honor Society
• Specialized programs in partnership with St. John’s University, such as Writing Center, Science Research Workshops and Advanced Laboratory Programs
• Visual and Performing Arts
Activities, Arts, Athletics
• Comprehensive list of clubs and activities that complement the educational experience
• Science Olympiad, Robotics, Math League, Language Clubs, Chess Club and Investors Club
• Competitive Athletic Teams and Sports Clubs
• Performing Arts Program
• Red Storm News – copy writing, filming, editing, producing – journalism
• Over 50 exciting clubs, teams, activities, events
Global Awareness
• Students discover the world with the St. John’s Prep International Travel Program
• Students also gain valuable experiences in service-learning by working in charitable projects around the world
• Students enriched with a global perspective
• International students program
St. John’s Prep inspires every student to be a confident Leader of Tomorrow.