Sister Mary Serafine Della Croce, S.S.N.D., a School Sister of Notre Dame for 68 years, died Feb. 2 in Norwalk Hospital, Connecticut. She was 85.
Born in Ozone Park and baptized as Antoinette, she attended Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary School, Ozone Park; St. Rita’s School, East New York; the Sisters’ Juniorate, Fort Lee, N.J.
Following her religious profession in 1953, she began her teaching career, which included in the Brooklyn Diocese: St. Joseph School, Lake Ronkonkoma, L.I., 1956-63; and St. Anthony of Padua, Ozone Park, 1963-71.
From 1971 to 1980, she served as principal of St. Anselm School, Bay Ridge, and, from 1980 to 1984, she was principal of St. Saviour, Park Slope.
She also was principal of St. Matthias, Ridgewood, 1987-2000, and director of the Child Development Center in Wilton, Conn., 2000-02.
In 2013, she moved to Villa Notre Dame, Wilton, Conn.
Burial was at St. Mary Cemetery, Bethel, Conn.
Sister Serafine is survived by her brothers, Anthony of Bethpage, L.I.; Salvatore of Staten Island; and Michael of Bayside.
We will miss you, Aunt Netty. I love you.