Sister Mary Georgine Ayers, O.P., a member of the Sisters of St. Dominic, Amityville, for 80 years, died March 19. She was 98.
Born as Mary Josephine in Brooklyn, entered the order from Holy Family parish.
She attended the Juniorate in Watermill, L.I., where she was part of the first high school class there. She entered the Novitiate at Queen of the Rosary Motherhouse, Amityville, in 1936 and pronounced final vows on Aug. 20, 1938.
In the Brooklyn Diocese, she taught at St. Margaret, Middle Village, 1938-48; Good Shepherd, Marine Park, 1961-69 and also 1982-12;
St. Ignatius of Loyola, Hicksville, L.I., 1944-48 and 1950-57; Holy Spirit, New Hyde Park, L.I., 1948-50; Cure of Ars School, Merrick, L.I., 1957-1961; and St. Frances de Chantal, Borough Park, 1969-82.
In 2012, she retired to Carlin Hall at the Motherhouse. Burial was in the sisters. cemetery, Amityville.