Sister Josita Walsh, R.S.M., 94, a Sister of Mercy of the Americas Mid-Atlantic Community for 74 years, died on Jan. 15 at Southside Hospital, Bay Shore, L.I.
Born in Brooklyn, she attended St. Thomas Aquinas School, Flatlands, and St. Brendan Diocesan H.S., Midwood, before entering the Sisters of Mercy Novitiate in Syosset, L.I., in September, 1943. She professed her final vows in September, 1949.
She earned a bachelor’s in mathematics from St. John’s University, a master’s in theology/religious education from LaSalle University, Philadelphia, Pa.; and earned degrees in canon law and marriage studies at Catholic University of America.
She worked in child care at Angel Guardian Home, Dyker Heights, 1946-47, and taught at St. Therese of Lisieux, East Flatbush, 1947-51; St. Patrick, Bay Shore, 1951-57; St. Gregory, Crown Heights, 1957-59; St. Brigid, Bushwick, 1959-63; and Mater Christi H.S., Astoria, 1963-70.
She was religious education coordinator at Mary Immaculate, Bellport, 1970-71, and Cure of Ars, Merrick, 1971-78; an adjunct professor of theology at St. Vincent College/St. John’s University, 1978-79; and campus minister at Mater Christi H.S., 1978-79.
In 1979 she began an 18-year ministry as a canonical attorney advocate in the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal.