Sister Alice Wheeler, C.S.J., a Sister of St. Joseph, Brentwood, for 70 years, died May 30. She would have been 88 on July 6.
She entered the congregation from St. Jerome parish, East Flatbush, in 1948. She received a bachelor’s degree in education from St. John’s University; a master’s degree in American Literature at Queens College and a master of social work degree in clinical social work at Hunter College.
Formerly Sister Mary Roger, she taught at St. Brendan, Midwood, 1950-52; Our Lady of Victory, Bedford-Stuyvesant, 1952-54; St. Camillus, Rockaway Park, 1954-56 and 1962-66; St. Michael, Flushing, 1956-58; and Mary’s Nativity, Flushing, 1966-70.
She wen on to teach at St. Joseph H.S., Downtown Brooklyn, 1970-77; and then Hunter College, NYC, 1977-80; Good Shepherd, Marine Park, 1980-91; and St. Anselm, Bay Ridge, 1991-2009.
In 2010, she started ministering with St. Vincent Services, Brooklyn, and continued there until she retired in 2012.
A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated in Sacred Heart Chapel, Brentwood, followed by interment in Calvary Cemetery, Brentwood.
She died May 27, 2017 , please print a correction!
Main Celebrant – Most Rev. Paul R. Sanchez, D.D. Bishop of Brooklyn Mass was June 1 2017
Kim Bern has correct info, check with her, she was extremely helpful on my quater page memorial for Sister Alice in the centerfold of the 2017 Sister’s Jubilee insert , printed last week by The Tablet . It conflicts with the obituary above.
Austin ,you have expressed , sincere thoughts of many of Sister Alice’s students,. I as one , 50 years ago, applaud you for your devotion and words.
Sister Alice Wheeler was my 8th grade teacher at Saint Camillus School, Rockaway Park, for the 1964-65 school year–as Sister Mary Roger. We were a tough bunch, but she was an amazing woman and a wonderful teacher. While teaching a class of over 60 students, she also served for a time as the acting principal, when our principal, Sister Thomas Joseph suffered a stroke. She also led an after-school Liturgical Club for 8th graders, which, among other things, provided us the opportunity to bowl every Thursday with our nun in full pre-Vatican II habit. I am so blessed to have reconnected with Sr. Alice through an exchange of Christmas cards over the last 3-4 years. Rest in peace, dearest teacher.
RIP Sr Mary Roger, in heaven eternally with Our Father.