SS. Joachim and Anne is a Catholic, Christ-centered school founded in 1924 in Queens Village by the Sister of Notre Dame de Namur to provide a Christ-centered learning place which fosters intellectual and technological development in an environment of love, justice and peace.
SS. Joachim and Anne is a challenging school, which offers a total learning experience that incorporates both self-contained and departmental instruction in a heterogeneous class setting. It incorporates the Catholic Common Core initiative, 21st-century learning through rigor, relevance, creativity and intensity.
SS. Joachim and Anne has active alumni who demonstrate zeal and enthusiasm. They are totally involved in fundraising efforts, including the annual golf outing.
The school invites parents, guardians and potential students to come and catch the lasting spirit that SS. Joachim and Anne provides for all its students – past, present and future.
The school thrives on the follow- ing core values:
– A commitment to demonstrate the goodness of God by actions
– A commitment to value life as an ongoing spiritual journey of a strong relationship with God and others.
– A commitment to excellence in every spiritual and academic endeavor.
– A commitment and a love of learning that will last a lifetime.
– A commitment to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ and encourage a personal relationship with God the Father and a belief that the Holy Spirit inspires all.
– A commitment to honor the sacredness and dignity of each person.
– A commitment to match actions to words.
– A commitment to build a diverse, collaborative and student-centered community that learns service, work and grows together.
– A commitment to serving the less fortunate and underprivileged in society, uplifting the person’s quality of life and building Christian community.
For more information, visit us at www.ssjaschool.org