Letters to the Editor

Religion and Environment

Dear Editor: Just a thought… The Catholic environmentalists (“Catholic Leaders Oppose Keystone Pipeline” March 7) owe it to themselves and to us to delve further into the Keystone XL pipeline controversy.

Not to be overlooked is the part of the equation that includes the Warren Buffet-Barack Obama connection. As the saying goes:  “Follow the money.”

Clara Sarrocco


Dear Editor: I was truly surprised to read about the Keystone Pipeline in The Tablet. The pipeline project versus religion? Please.

I am perfectly neutral on this particular issue but to approach technical/economic/environmental complexities (oil by pipeline, by rail, by barge or by truck?) by mixing them with our faith seems plain silly to me.


Forest Hills

Dear Editor: About the Keystone Pipeline, basically environmentalists are full of themselves. They hinder real progress in their country, mainly by useless lawsuits.

By 2050, renewables will provide 3 percent of all the energy in this country Meanwhile, the oil is being shipped by rail and at times, derailments cause much more damage than the pipeline ever would.


Forest Hills

One thought on “Religion and Environment

  1. Dear Editor,
    This letter is to address all the anti-environmentalists. One cannot separate God from any aspect of creation: he is within all creation and all of creation is within him. Therefore there is a connection between the environment and humanity: there is a symbiotic relationship.
    There is indisputable proof that the action of humanity through the use of fossil fuels is changing all aspects of life around the globe: in ways that are beyond our ability to adapt. For example, raising sea levels; the dramatic change in habitats of animals and therefore the meeting of species that were separated for millenniums; an increase in respiratory illnesses, especially in China; more insect borne illnesses, etc.
    There has been more earthquakes throughout the world, more forest fires, and more deluges. Therefore there will be mass migrations of people to find a safer environment to live over time.
    Another reason it should be of concern is that it is the poor who have suffered the most from the poisoning of water, the pollution of air, and insect, as well as, rodent borne illnesses.
    We commit a very grave social sin when we put money and commerce before the common good of all humanity: that includes preserving our symbiotic relationship with the environment.