GLENDALE — The Knights of Columbus Founders Day is observed each year on March 29, but this year, the New York State members plan to celebrate with a massive push to grow their rosters.
On March 28-29, the Knights will run their first-ever statewide recruiting drive, according to James Funaro, state chairman of recruiting.
“Actually, we’re trying to get away from the term ‘recruiting,’ ” Funaro said. “We’re looking to be more inviting, so we invite men to join.”

Those who accept the invitation have the opportunity to join other Knights in the quest of becoming “better men,” Funaro said. That’s because the Knights’ work is the work of the Church, he explained.
Take, for example, KofC fundraisers, which funnel money to local parishes, but also to national groups like Habitat for Humanity and Special Olympics.
“Your council can do almost whatever it wants,” Funaro said. “Some councils are really good at food pantries; some are very much into the pro-life movement; we help pregnant women — we don’t forget them.”
Other councils focus on clothing the poor or helping the elderly, Funaro said. All of the councils are concerned with natural disaster relief efforts, and some Knights travel to stricken areas to help rebuild, he noted.
“As you do charity, you become a better man,” Funaro said.
The Knights have been hard at it since 1882.
On March 29 of that year, Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney founded the Catholic fraternal service order in New Haven, Connecticut. Now, it’s a global organization with 18,700 councils worldwide.
RELATED: Statue of Father McGivney, the First of Many, Is Unveiled in Brooklyn
There are 510 councils in New York State, with a membership of 81,000 Knights.
In the Diocese of Brooklyn, there are 35 councils in Brooklyn and 32 in Queens, said Funaro, who is also a member of the Msgr. Sherman No. 5103 Council composed of men from Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Pancras Parishes in Glendale, Queens.
Funaro told The Tablet that the KofC Supreme officers in New York had set a goal of 2,640 new members statewide during the current “fraternal” year, which runs from July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025.
As of March 19, 1,450 new Knights had joined across the state, Funaro said. He added that councils are asked to bring in at least 15 new members each year.
“We’re better than halfway to our goal for the year,” he added. “I think we have a good shot of making our quota.”
So, heads up: Watch for the KofC members at Mass on March 29 and 30. You’ll recognize them by their badges or other identifying attire. Mass celebrants will introduce them from the pulpit.
They’ll be available after Mass to answer questions. Realizing that most people don’t commit upon first contact, Funaro said the Knights have set up a web page that newcomers can access to join.
“Membership is really what we live on,” Funero said. “If we don’t have strong membership in the councils, we can’t do the work.”