Diocesan News

Slideshow: Ragamuffin Parade


The 48th annual Ragamuffin Parade was held Sept. 27 in Bay Ridge with Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello, diocesan vicar for development, as the grand marshal. Arlene Rutuelo, a community activist and owner of Nordic Delicacies, was honored as the Person of the Year. The Bay Ridge Catholic Academies – St. Patrick’s, Holy Angels and St. Anselm’s – marched as a single unit to demonstrate the strength in unity of Catholic schools. Other Catholic organizations included Visitation Academy, Bay Ridge; Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy, Sunset Park; the Knights of Columbus; and the Xaverian H.S., Bay Ridge, bagpipe marching band. The parade was organized in 1966 by Father James McKenna, who was assigned at the time to Our Lady of Angels parish, to give youngsters the opportunity to dress in costumes and parade along Third Avenue. The tradition continues to this day under the leadership of Colleen Golden, chairwoman.