Letters to the Editor


Dear Editor: In reply to Joan M. Jennings (responses to “We’re Indebted to the Liberals,” Letters to the Editor, The Tablet website, thetablet.org, Feb. 16): Where is the mercy for the children of Sandy Hook from those who adopt simplistic attitudes about how such evil comes to exist? No one has a “pro-gun agenda.”

Rational thought recognizes that self-defense is an innate human right, and that evil violence is not caused by the existence of guns. It is caused by pretending that cultural moral nihilism – that shallow versions of Christianity have supported through indifference – is the real cause of evil.


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Dear Editor: In reply to Joan M. Jennings, abortion cannot be equated with gun control in any respect. Rather, understanding that gun control laws will never be adhered to by criminals is the first step to understanding the problem. Criminals never have and never will adhere to the law and thus people are killed.

Seek to understand that many of the most recent ‘storming’ incidents – Paris, San Bernardino, etc. – were in gun-free zones. Criminals never have cared whether a sign designates a gun-free zone, and thus it makes no sense for the rest of those who are proficient and can actually equalize the unfettered assault of a criminal not to be able to defend themselves and perhaps other innocents – it’s about defense, not assault. In addition, our Constitution provides that right.


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