
Pray for Our Local Bishops

This coming week, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio and the Diocese of Brooklyn’s auxiliary bishops, along with the other bishops of New York state, will head to Rome to spend a week visiting with Pope Francis, and with other Vatican offices for an “ad limina” (“To the Threshold”) meeting, which happens about every seven years. This is the first time that the U.S. bishops have had such visits with Pope Francis during his pontificate. It’s a requirement for every country, and now it’s America’s turn.

Our local bishops will report on the state of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Reports have been prepared, and many hours of work by the bishops and the chancery’s staff have been put into this project.

Pray for our bishops as they visit with the pope and Vatican officials. Pray for a safe and successful journey. Brooklyn is — as St. John Paul II is reported to have said — “a big diocese, a complicated diocese.”

Despite all the problems that we face, we are really doing OK. There’s room for growth, of course, and our bishops will be listening with open ears and an open mind and heart for advice and counsel. In the meantime and in your kindness, please pray for our Brooklyn bishops.