International News

Pope Says God Is Not a Sorcerer

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis met for the third time in late February with his international Council of Cardinals, an eight-member group advising him on the reform of the Vatican bureaucracy and other issues.

The meetings focused on financial and bureaucratic matters even as the council was rumored to be working on a draft of an apostolic constitution that would reorganize the Church’s central administration, the Roman Curia.

The eight cardinals joined Pope Francis the first morning for Mass in his residence, where the pope preached patience.

Spoiled children and the haughty want everything immediately, the pope said. The Gospels even recount stories of people demanding Jesus perform miracles to prove that God is with him.

“They confuse God’s way of acting with that of a sorcerer,” the pope said at Mass. “But God does not behave like a sorcerer, God has His own way of proceeding.”

“Christians must live their lives in time with the music of patience,” the pope said, “because it is the music of our fathers, of the people of God, of those who believed in his word, who followed the commandment that the Lord gave to our father Abraham: ‘Walk before me and be blameless.’”