
One and Holy

The conversation this week that most Catholic writers and intellectuals are having concerns the article that we mentioned last week by Fathers Antonio Spadaro and Rev. Marcelo Figueroa in La Civilta Cattolica. There have been so many commentaries about this article, some thoughtful and good, and others seeming to have no value except to agitate those who read it. Michael Sean Winters of National Catholic Reporter takes it a step further implying that those who disagree with the article are implicitly attacking the Pope.

At the risk of sounding naïve, and the risk of sounding like a cliché, “Can’t we all just get along?” If one were to read any major Catholic commentary this past week – whether it be from National Catholic Register or National Catholic Reporter – one would certainly have the opinion that the Catholic Church was not living up to its name.

What is meant by this previous sentence? The term “Catholic,” is one of the four marks of the Church – the others being One, Holy, and Apostolic. “Catholic” means universal. It means that, although spread throughout the world and expressed in many different ways through many different cultures, it is the same faith.

With all the rancor, one would think that the Church was not living up to another mark, that of being Holy. Given all the disagreements, all the vitriol, how is it clear that the Church, as the Mystical Body of Christ, as the People of God, is sinless, although we who make up the Church certainly are sinners? How would it be clear to someone from the outside that the Church is apostolic? How would it be clear with all the disagreement that the Church is rooted on the firm foundation that is Peter, the Rock, who in 2017 is known as Francis? Everyone seems to have his or her own interpretation of what Pope Francis means. Who is correct? How is the Church one? Where is the unity and how is it expressed?

We urge readers to actually read the article by Fathers Spadaro and Figueroa and to judge what its says about Catholicism in the U.S.A. Tell us what you think, but be reasonable and civil. The Church is one, holy, Catholic and apostolic. Let’s not forget that in our conversations and debates.