Up Front and Personal

Lourdes Pilgrimage Was Transformative

by Dominique “Nikki” Pastrana 

I have been an active member of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish for the past 36 years. I was deeply honored to participate in our pilgrimage to Lourdes, France, to celebrate our parish’s 100th anniversary.

Lourdes holds a special place in the hearts of Catholics worldwide, and this journey was a profound way for us to mark a century of faith and community. 

Arriving in Lourdes, I was struck by the serene beauty of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes. The moment I stepped onto the sacred grounds, a sense of peace and reverence enveloped me. The grotto where St. Bernadette witnessed the apparitions of the Virgin Mary felt especially sacred.

Standing there, I was reminded of the enduring power of faith and the many miracles that have been reported throughout the years. It hits you differently when you are standing in a place that you have only read about. 

One of the highlights of the pilgrimage was the opportunity to visit the Baths of Lourdes, where we had the chance to cleanse ourselves with the healing waters. While not all experiences were physical miracles, the spiritual renewal was profound. It was one of the first things we did upon our arrival after a long flight.

We washed our hands and faces and drank the water of Lourdes from our hands. It set the tone for what we would experience in the following days. It was beautiful, overwhelming, and the most remarkable experience of the pilgrimage. 

During our trip, we participated in the communal celebrations of the Eucharist at each place we visited. These moments of worship were deeply moving as they allowed us to renew our commitment to God and one another.

The procession at Lourdes was particularly touching, as thousands of pilgrims gathered to pray and sing together, creating an atmosphere of unity and hope. 

My pilgrimage started the moment I committed to attending. The mental, spiritual, and physical preparation for the pilgrimage involved a lot of prayer, reflection, and planning. 

Who am I? Who do I want to be? How do I want to live? How can I serve others while doing that? What is faith to me? What do I believe in? What will it take to support the transformation for this journey? 

This pilgrimage was special because I was going with my parish family. Some people I knew from church, and others were friends from neighboring parishes. I started a walking group with some of the pilgrims who were interested in physically preparing for the long walks and days.

We prayed together, discussed the exciting itinerary, and answered each other’s questions. The fellowship of the walking group allowed us to bond and set a solid foundation for our pilgrimage.

We cared about each other, laughed together, shared traveling tips, and looked out for one another. I was blessed to share this experience with these wonderful people. 

Witnessing the strength and faith of fellow pilgrims, each with their own stories of struggle and hope, was a testament to the power of prayer and communal support. 

Our pilgrimage was more than a journey to a holy site — it was a celebration of our parish’s legacy and an affirmation of our faith. We returned with hearts full of gratitude, having deepened our connection to God and each other. 

Lourdes was not only a destination but a transformative experience that reminded us of the beauty and strength of our shared faith.

Dominique “Nikki” Pastrana is a parishioner of Our Lady of Lourdes in Queens Village.