Letters to the Editor

Two Wonderful Priests

Dear Editor: Father Alonzo Cox wears so many hats that it’s difficult to describe his exact responsibilities. Many people and zillions of problems report directly to him. As his responsibilities in the parish grew, so did the parish – altar servers, lectors and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, Family Life Committee, youth, etc. He has introduced many new ideas – small wonder that he knows so many on a first-name bass. He’s been known to be “Johnny-on-the-Spot.”

So after four-and-one-half years of dedicated service, Father Alonzo is moving on to another place – St. Martin de Porres in Brooklyn – where he can add his contributions, and they are many.

The best wishes of the people of St. Clare’s go with Father Alonzo for his well-earned years of love and sharing. Godspeed!

Eileen Bowman


Dear Editor: It is with a heavy heart and genuine sadness that I express my feelings, no doubt shared by many, about the passing of a “priest among priest,” Father John. J. Cremins from Our Lady of Mercy parish, Forest Hills.

Father John, as he was affectionately known by all who knew and loved him, was a retired senior priest, who stepped down a few years back due to health reasons. Father John was a true soldier of Christ, who always had time for anyone and everyone. He epitomized what it truly means to be a Catholic priest and a servant of God. Open, humble, friendly, compassionate and loving are a few of his many attributes that endeared him to all of us.

His weekly homilies were always down to earth and germane to our daily lives. Father John was an upbeat and positive person, who constantly reminded us of the enormous love and forgiveness that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has for all of his people.

Father John was a true inspiration, and he will be sorely missed, not just by the parish but by all of the lives he touched in his 45 years of priestly service. He had a measureable impact on all of our lives, and we are better people for having known him.

I pray that the Good Lord forever holds Father John close and secure in His warm and loving embrace.

Kevin John Kehoe
Forest Hills

A Great Communicator

Dear Editor: The recent and sudden loss of John Slattery, the veteran and respected reporter for WCBS-TV, recalled those times when he came to the Chancery Office to cover stories that affected the diocese. One afternoon, he interviewed Bishop Thomas Daily on a long-since-forgotten matter. After the interview was wrapped up, John and the bishop were soon engaged in a conversation about religious faith. John was serious about his own faith. He was then taking courses that eventually led to a master’s degree in religious studies at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Dunwoodie, N.Y.

During the conversation, John revealed in passing that he liked to read the Liturgy of the Hours. The bishop, impressed by the street-smart reporter’s prayer life, told him: “I’m going to send you a breviary.” And he did. Several days later, John called and said in an astonished voice: “I thought the Bishop would send me an old book, one that had been used, but instead I got a brand-new set.” He couldn’t get over the bishop’s thoughtful gesture.

Sometime later, we asked John if he would accept the Distinguished Communicator Award that the diocese offered to values-oriented people in the industry, at the annual World Communications Day luncheon in May. John listened respectfully then politely declined the honor, saying he preferred not to be singled out for recognition.

Not only was John a solid journalist, he was a man who lived his faith, and he did so humbly. May his soul rest in peace.

Frank DeRosa
Wilton, Conn.

Grateful to Sisters of Charity

Dear Editor: As a former member of the Sisters of Charity, Halifax, and a faithful advocate for who they are and for what they do, I want to thank you for your superb coverage of the 90 Years’ celebration, last Saturday, Oct. 25, at Douglaston.

Though a personal commitment prevented me from being in attendance, I was there in spirit cheering them on!

I am so grateful to have spent 20 years in the congregation, and in the many years since, I have been surrounded by their love and support! They truly are Sisters of Charity in every sense of the word. They have brought, and bring, the charism of Elizabeth Seton to the ministries in which they serve. May we continue to be blessed by their presence for many more years to come.

 Mary Kenney
Williston Park, L.I.

One Church, Two Dioceses

Dear Editor: So I have been hearing on NY1 all morning about the churches that are being merged, but they didn’t give any details beyond the numbers. So I went to Google News, and it seems like the churches in the city being closed are all in Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island, but I wanted to make sure about the churches in Queens (and Brooklyn) and thought for sure that would be in The Tablet’s wheelhouse. But apparently not.

If all of the churches in Queens (and Brooklyn) are unaffected by the closings, I get it: You can’t blare a headline that says the Brooklyn Diocese churches dodged a bullet. But still, a news story on the topic seems warranted, and considering your connection to the diocese, you maybe ought to have had an advance on the news, with the website timed to post it this morning?

Ed Christman

Editor’s Note: The Diocese of Brooklyn, which is comprised of the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, is a separate entity from the Archdiocese of New York. Brooklyn already dealt with closures and mergers in its pastoral plan, Christ Jesus, Our Hope.


The Holy Father’s Wisdom

Dear Editor: Responding to The Tablet’s headline “Pope: If Law Does Not Lead People to Jesus, It Is Dead.” (Oct. 18)

My response: You see the pope is the trumpet of God’s Word. We can’t hear it, but the pope reads the music and plays it back so we can relate to and understand it. That is why we have a pope and should read about him and listen to him.

Charles J. Lercara