Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of March 22, 2025

Thank You for the Father Quinn Article

Dear Editor: The Tablet’s article (“The Unsung Hero Behind Brooklyn’s First Black Catholic Community,” Feb. 27) was so well received by the members of Father Bernard John Quinn Guild and other parishioners from around the Diocese of Brooklyn.

I look forward to working with The Tablet in the future because there is so much more to be documented. I’m trying to find any of Jules DeWeever’s relatives if they’re still in the New York area or elsewhere.

I also learned that Father Quinn had concerts of some kind at BAM to raise money to build the parish and educate his parishioners.

What a spiritually enriching priest. The more you uncover, the more you learn.

Delores Casey

Clinton Hill

Editor’s note: The writer is the president of the Father Bernard John Quinn Guild.

Proving a Point

Dear Editor: In a recent edition of The Tablet, there was an article titled “U.S. Funding Freeze Hits Catholic Agencies Hard” (March 15).

The article actually had a picture supporting funding such agencies. The picture shows a woman demonstrating how to pollinate vanilla in Ifanadiana, Madagascar.

The question should be asked: “Why is United States taxpayers’ money going to Madagascar to support the pollination of vanilla?

William James Carroll

In Praise of Zelenskyy

Dear Editor: Congratulations to The Tablet for publishing the story (“Archbishop Gudziak Eyes Ukrainian Unity,” March 8), in which Archbishop Borys Gudziak, the chief shepherd of the Ukrainian Archeparchy of Philadelphia and president of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukarine, discusses the unfortunate meeting between President Donald Trump, Vice President J.D. Vance, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

I was shocked that some people —including Vance — thought Zelenskyy should apologize to them. Zelenskyy is a hero risking his life battling Russian leader Vladimir Putin, who unjustly invaded Ukraine.

Father Robert Lauder

Editor’s note: The writer is the Faith & Thought columnist for The Tablet.

Pro-Life’s Meaning

Dear Editor: I can’t help but think that people who say they are pro-life are the same people who voted for the destruction of the universal values of humanity.

In my opinion, the “Right to Life” is not just exclusive to the unborn. It applies to the living as well.

In four weeks’ time, look at what has become of this nation. Cuts by this presidential administration will cause suffering and misery to countless millions in this world.

Cutting health services of Medicaid and Medicare for our seniors will leave them no longer able to take care of their health.

Withdrawal from the World Health Organization will leave the nations of the world unprotected from diseases and death that can be contained.

Compared to this, the alternative would have been much more compassionate in their approach to the “Right to Life” in spite of their position on the abortion issue.

Joseph M. Dugan
Marine Park