Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of March 15, 2025

Thank You for the Fantastic Experience

Dear Editor: Thank you to Katie Vasquez of Currents News and Paula Katinas of The Tablet for the amazing experience on Feb. 18 (“Making Waves: Parishioner Dives Into Faith, Finds a Splash of Hope,” March 1).

You braved wind chills in the single digits to interview me about cold water dipping.

You were so kind and generous with your time and dedication to making the experience one that I won’t soon forget. Katie even came into the ocean with me to gain the story.

I am honored and humbled by the beautiful interview and article where you weaved it all together to incorporate my faith, my grief over losing my sister last month to cancer, and my faith in my Catholic values.

Thank you so much.
With gratitude.

Margaret Tumelty
Rockaway Park

Proud to be Irish

Dear Editor: I am writing regarding the well-written article by Bill Miller in The Tablet about St. Brigid (“Brooklyn and Queens Prepare to Gather to Celebrate St. Brigid’s Influence and Spirit,” Jan. 25).

Both Brigid’s husband, Joseph Garafola, and Father Christopher Heanue are members of the Morris Park Council.

Yes, our grandparents would tell us we were Americans. We never challenged them but thought otherwise.

Our Irish forebears brought their charm, wit, and clannishness, along with a true faith and different music with them and gave this to us along with a distinct brogue after traveling the ocean wide and wild.

When Irish eyes are smiling. From step-dancing to parading, we are their proud Catholic descendants.

Joseph A. Cullina
Richmond Hill

I Agree with George Weigel

Dear Editor: In his column (“Putting Americans in Iron Lungs Again?” March 1), George Weigel tackles the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

I was alive when an iron lung was used to treat polio patients. I suffered through measles, mumps, chickenpox, and German measles. None of it was pleasant, and I was more than happy to get the vaccine for my children to prevent these diseases.

Kennedy had been a proponent of vaccines causing autism. Of course, during his confirmation hearing, he changed his tune, and all of his children were vaccinated.

He is really highly unqualified for this position, having no medical background. He was confirmed for this position.

Recently, there has been a measles outbreak in the country, and a child has died. Kennedy was asked if he was concerned. His answer was: “I’m not concerned.”

Measles was eradicated in this country. We haven’t previously had a death from them in a decade.

God help us!

Maria F. Mastomarino
Manalapan, NJ

Cathedral Club Remembrances

Dear Editor: As the daughter of Raymond McGowan, goddaughter of Joseph McNulty, and wife of Albert Byrnes — all past presidents at the Cathedral Club — it was very interesting to hear the background of the founding of the club (“Welcome to the Club,” Feb. 22).

When I was a teenager, my father joined so that I could attend the Saturday afternoon sessions.

How wonderful to see my father’s picture on the timeline as well.

Mary Alice Byrnes
Bay Ridge