Respecting the Laws of Our Country & Catholic Faith
Dear Editor: God bless The Tablet for allowing all views on Catholic values and pro-life issues, including Bishop Emeritus Nicholas DiMarzio’s opinions on the views of President Donald Trump regarding illegal immigrants.
My father came to America from Naples lawfully with his mother when he was eight years old. First, his father had to provide residency with his brother and his wife and proof of work so that he could send for them. This took two years and it was hard because my grandmother had to work in the wheat fields with her father at her side. They were very poor. My father loved being an American, and unfortunately, I never learned Italian; only English was spoken in
our house because my father wanted to be an American first.
I am very proud to say that I was a Catholic grammar school teacher and a Catholic high school teacher for over 40
years. I’m so happy and proud of President Trump for issuing an executive order promoting parental choice in education. This didn’t happen with President Joe Biden who is Catholic. Catholic schools have enriched America by offering excellent education rooted in our Catholic faith.
As a teacher, wife, mother, and grandmother, I truly feel that it is important to follow the laws of our country and of
our Catholic faith, such as instilling the obligation of Mass on Sunday. Being an active pro-life president, Trump needs to be respected for what he has done and what he will do for the Pro-Life movement and religious freedom here. Remember, Mary and Joseph followed the laws of the land and left Nazareth while Mary was in the late stage of pregnancy.
Joseph was ordered by the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus to be a part of the census. They were required to travel to Bethlehem being that it was Joseph’s father’s hometown.
Hoping all Catholics pray for President Trump even if they didn’t vote for him.
Madeleine Santangelo Palumbo
Sea Cliff, NY
Thank You for Catholic Schools Week Coverage
Dear Editor: I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks for your support of Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Academy during Catholic Schools Week. It’s a week that we look forward to every year as we celebrate the dedication, faith, and hard work that go into building strong, faith-filled communities within our school.
As part of our Service Day, OLMCA’s Student Council organized Buddy activities to write thank you letters to first
responders in Los Angeles as well as organize a fundraiser to raise money for the Pasadena Humane Society.
The students were thrilled that they had the opportunity to share this project with a wider community through your coverage. Their goal was to raise awareness for this incredible organization. We appreciate The Tablet and Currents News’ dedication to Catholic education and how you highlight its role in developing students spiritually and academically.
Dana Murphy
Forest Hills
Editor’s note: Dana Murphy is the principal of Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Academy.
Who Are We Listening To?
Dear Editor: Not too long ago, The Tablet had an article about Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen’s program “Life Is Worth Living” being rebroadcast on NET-TV.
Having watched a few episodes, this led me to search more on this venerable bishop. I came across his last interview and I urge all to watch it. During the show, the interviewer asked Sheen, “Do you see anytime in the near future the Church changing its stance on controversial issues?”
He said, “No.” He then went on to project, “What if it did?” He concluded there would be no difference between the secular world and the Church. I ask, are more baptized Catholics, both lay and ordained, listening to the universal truths of the Church or the relative truths of the secular world?
Venerable Archbishop Sheen pray for the Church, as we pray for your canonization.
Joseph J. Puntino