Each year during Catholic Schools Week, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio visits a number of schools in the diocese. At each stop, he likes to play a game with the student body when the students come together in an assembly.
He calls it “Stump the Bishop.” Any boy or girl can stand up, speak into the microphone and ask the bishop a question. Typically, the topics reflect the students’ world. So, they want to know if the bishop is married (no, he can’t be), or what he would have become if not a priest (he usually says a sanitation worker because when he was boy he liked the trucks).
Presumably, you have some questions you would like to address to Bishop DiMarzio. Currents, the weekly cable TV show on The NET, is now giving you the opportunity to “Ask the Bishop.”
Every Friday, Currents brings you an interview that I’ve taped previously with the bishop. We call that spot “Into the Deep,” named for Bishop DiMarzio’s challenge to the people of the diocese to constantly “put out into the deep” in the work of evangelization.
We will be introducing a new twist on that Friday feature when the bishop will answer questions from Tablet readers and NET viewers. The show is taped, so we need your questions in advance. To ask Bishop DiMarzio a question, simply send your inquiry to me by e-mail at ewilkinson@diobrook.org, or you can mail it to me c/o The Tablet, 1712 Tenth Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215.
Then on Friday evening (we will begin this in September), you can sit back and watch whether or not your question will be selected. Currents is shown at 7:30 p.m. and then rebroadcast at 11:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. the following day.
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A great big thank you to everyone who helped to make the annual Bishops’ Golf Classic such a success. You can see some of the photos from the day in this week’s centerfold. You can also see a related story on our sports page (P. 26) this week. While that piece is not exclusively about the golf outing, it is the result of an interview that sports writer Jim Mancari did at the event. You can view it at www.netny.net. Click on Currents.
Also during this year’s classic, held at North Hills Country Club in Manhasset, L.I., Tablet photographers were on hand to take pictures of each foursome of golfers. We couldn’t fit them all in our centerfold, but you can view them, as well as some action shots from the day, on our website, www.thetablet.org.
Much of the success of the day was due to the support from our honorees, Msgr. Martin Geraghty of St. Robert Bellarmine parish, Bayside, who was our Pastor of the Year, and the members of the DeSales Media Group’s board of directors.
We chose Msgr. Geraghty not only because he is such a terrific priest and pastor but also because he always has been an avid supporter of the diocesan media efforts.
The same goes for the members of the board, who give their time selflessly by attending meetings and fulfilling committee commitments, all out of sight of public view. We’re grateful to each and every one of them.
And lastly, thank you to John Golden of Gleason Funeral Home, Bayside, for serving as Queens chairman of the planning committee for the past three years.