Engaging Minds, Strengthening Values, Nurturing Souls
Engaging minds, strengthening values and nurturing souls – this is the vision Good Shepherd Catholic Academy in Marine Park strives to achieve as a learning community under the leadership of Principal John O’Brien.
The rigorous academic program emphasizes excellence in literacy and mathematics along with commitment to discovering the world through social studies and the sciences.
Program Offerings
Good Shepherd Catholic Academy’s academic programs include:
• Math: An opportunity for eighth-grade students to take ninth-grade algebra at St. Edmund Prep with the possibility of achieving high school credit.
• Technology: Computer class emphasizing 21st-century skills, digital literacy and citizenship.
• Music: Student participation in new instrumental and music theory programs.
• Foreign Language: Instruction in French (UPK – second grade) and Spanish (third through eighth grades).
• Extracurricular Activities: newspaper, violin, band, crocheting and a nutrition/fitness program
The academy truly stands out due to its Catholic identity and dedication to Gospel values. It has established a family atmosphere where every child is cared for, valued and loved; where parents feel involved in their child’s education.
Parent Testimonials
Parents offered these comments:
• “The teachers and administration know and care for each student and take a personal interest in seeing them succeed academically and personally.”
• “I like the open-door policy of being able to speak with a teacher or the principal if needed.”
• “It’s very important to me that the spiritual foundation I am laying with my kids at home is extended as part of their education at school. That is one of the main reasons I chose Good Shepherd.”
For more information, visit the website goodshepherdbklyn.org, or call 718-339-2745.

That’s all very fine but there’s no mention of spiritual development. This is supposed to be the reason why Catholic schools are established. I graduated from Good Shepherd a number of years ago and owe my allegiance to the faith to the wonderful teachers we had. I hope that pupils are still being instructed in the dogma of the Catholic Church.