Diocesan News

Golf Classic Nets $100,000 For CYO

Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello, the vicar for development for the Diocese of Brooklyn, and Rob Caldera, diocesan director of the CYO program, presented Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio with a check for $100,000. The total represented the proceeds from the Office of Parish Giving’s sixth annual CYO Golf Classic at North Hills Country Club in Manhasset, L.I.

On hand was former Mets pitcher and Hall of Famer John Franco, who grew up playing for the Most Precious Blood CYO in Bath Beach. He said CYO teaches life lessons – how to win, how to lose, how to act and how to treat other people. He greeted the attendees at breakfast and then went on to the course to golf and mingle with the other golfers.

Bishop DiMarzio made note that CYO provides a means to stimulate the athletic and spiritual needs of diocesan youth and keeps the kids connected to life in their parishes. He added that sports teach manners, sportsmanship and lessons kids need to know to deal with life.

The bishop and Msgr. Gigantiello presented an award of appreciation to Michael Romersa, a strong supporter and constant sponsor of the CYO Golf Classic.