Franciscan Father Michael Scanlan, whose name is almost synonymous with the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, died Jan. 7 at Garvey Manor, a Catholic nursing home located in Hollidaysburg, Pa., after a long illness. He was 85.
The priest transformed the struggling College of Steubenville – which is now known as the Franciscan University of Steubenville – in the 1970s. He was its longtime president – from 1974 to 2000 – and then chancellor at the university from 2000 to 2011 when he retired. The school became a university in 1980 and changed its name in 1986.
Father Scanlan was a member of the Third Order Regular Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, based in Loretto, Pa.
Father Scanlan, whose 1997 autobiography was titled “Let the Fire Fall,” was described by the provincial of his order, Franciscan Father Richard Davis, as “one of the most obedient, charitable, humble, and very holy men in our community.”
Franciscan Father Sean Sheridan, president of Franciscan University, said Father Scanlan is “rightfully credited with revitalizing the Catholic and Franciscan mission of the university” and with working with school leaders and students, emphasizing the importance of campus ministry and theology “now, by far our largest major.”
Father Scanlan was born in Cedarhurst, L.I. He attended Williams College, in Williamstown, Mass., and earned a law degree from Harvard University. After serving as staff judge advocate in the U.S. Air Force, he decided to become a priest and was ordained as a Franciscan Third Order Regular in 1964.
The priest was an early leader in the Catholic charismatic movement in the U.S. and wrote or co-authored more than 16 books and pamphlets about faith life.
He also co-founded a national Catholic evangelization ministry called FIRE, for Faith, Intercession, Repentance and Evangelism, and hosted the theology discussion program “Franciscan University Presents” for 18 years on EWTN.