A Mass of Christian Burial for Deacon Patrick J. Logue, 55, was celebrated Nov. 7 at St. Rose of Lima Church, Rockaway Beach. He died Nov. 5.

Born in Manhattan, Deacon Logue attended St. Rose of Lima School, Beach Channel H.S., and Iona College, New Rochelle, N.Y.
He entered the Carmelites as a religious brother in Florida. After receiving dispensation from his vows, he returned to the Rockaways. He worked as an investigator. He married his wife Christine in 1991 was ordained a deacon on April 13, 2002.
The two were active in the life of St. Rose of Lima parish as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, served on the parish council and were founding members of Life Teen Ministry. Deacon Logue served as business manager.
Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto was the main celebrant at the funeral Mass, assisted by Deacons Armand D’Accordo and Ron Rizzuto. Special concelebrants included Msgr. James Spengler, and Fathers James Devine, Robert Czok, Richard Ahlemeyer and John Amann. Father Peter Gillen was the homilist.
“He was well loved as a true gentleman with a ready smile and always a twinkle in his eye,” Father Gillen said. “He was a spiritual guide and confidante. Anyone could talk to him and he would offer good spiritual advice.”
He is survived by his wife, Christine; his sisters Margaret and Monica, and brother Kevin.