The Tablet All-Scholastic Team 2016

CK Supplies Shoes for Souls in Need

ck-soles4shoes-16Christ the King’s National Honor Society (NHS) hosted a shoe drive through Soles4Souls.

In many developing nations, walking is the primary mode of transportation. Soles4Souls: Wearing Out Poverty is an organization that accepts shoes that are new or gently worn and then distributes them to those who do not have shoes.

Since 2006, Soles4Souls has collected and distributed 26 million pairs of shoes to those in need in 127 countries around the world and all 50 states in the U.S.

Donations boxes were put in Christ the King’s cafeteria and the CK Kids Daycare and seniors who were part of NHS spread the word.

Members of NHS paired shoes, wrapped them with rubber bands, and organized them into boxes for travelling. By the time the shoe drive was finished, NHS collected close to 200 pairs of shoes.