BALTIMORE (CNS) — As he helped distribute 1,000 coats to children in West Baltimore, Md., Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori reflected on the church’s presence in the neighborhood that saw the final arrest of Freddie Gray Jr. and bore the brunt of the unrest that followed his death last spring.
“The church has always been deeply involved in the neighborhoods of Baltimore, especially Sandtown-Winchester,” the archbishop said. “I think the church is intensifying its presence, and that’s what it should do – it’s the path of discipleship.”
The 1,000 coats – donated through the work of the Knights of Columbus, for whom Archbishop Lori serves as supreme chaplain – were distributed to children from Catholic Charities Head Start of Baltimore City, Ss. James and John Catholic School, Holy Angels Catholic School and Alexander Hamilton Elementary School, all in Baltimore.
Children lined up in the parish hall at St. Edward to receive their new coats.
“This event is bringing life to the neighborhood,” said Spiritan Father Honest Munishi, pastor of St. Edward. “We find that people real