Letters to the Editor

Catholic Award to Biden?

Dear Editor: Regarding “Biden, Boehner to be Honored at Notre Dame University Graduation” (March 12), it makes me wonder how much thought went into selecting those who receive the school’s Laetare Medal.

Vice President Joe Biden supports abortion, the Obamacare mandate of birth control (which includes abortifacients) and gay marriage. Exactly how does Joe Biden’s position on these matters make him a recipient “whose genius has ennobled the arts and sciences, illustrated the ideals of the church and enriched the heritage of humanity?”

Paul Murphy
Dyker Heights

One thought on “Catholic Award to Biden?

  1. You are correct in that what is going on in Catholic Universities and High Schools is a shame. For example, Georgetown University has invited Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood to speak on campus. There are on line petitions going around protesting this decision, one is available at tfpstudents.org. In addition, for years I have been trying to get Governor Andrew Cuomo and Senator Joseph Addabbo, both members of Archbishop Molloy HS Hall of Fame removed from the HOF for their role in getting so called Same Sex Marriage passed in New York and for their roles in attempting to expand abortion. My efforts have been to no avail.