The Black Sheep In the Crèche

Every Christmas in my parish, we change the theme of our crèche decoration. The proposed theme for this year of the National Eucharistic Revival is “Bethlehem, the house of bread.” 

Church’s Decisions On Governance

To carry out the pastoral care for her faithful, the Church, out of necessity, must make decisions around the clock. Matters and concerns to be decided upon in church governance are innumerable, extremely diverse and wide-ranging. This is so because the Church is truly a complex reality, as Lumen gentium, n. 8 reminds us. 

The Silence of the Sanctuary Lamp

The sanctuary lamp, hanging near the tabernacle and glowing subtle flickers, is a silent assurance of faith that our Lord is present in the Blessed Sacrament.

Safekeeping of the Tabernacle Key

The safety and protection of tabernacles where the presence of our Lord is real in the form of the consecrated host is a matter of supreme importance.