Teaching Rosary-Making, One Bead at a Time

The Brooklyn Queens Diocese supports a Lay Ministry Program in conjunction with local parishes. It’s a wonderful opportunity to deepen your faith and to understand the many aspects of the Catholic Church, and most importantly, the Bible. One of the goals of this three-year program is to prepare participants to be lay ministers within their parishes. These new lay ministers will join existing parish ministries or start their own ministry, fulfilling the needs of their parish.

Scientific Debate Is Not New for the Church

Recently, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said the pope should “leave science to the scientists.” His sentiment is echoed by those who deny climate change and contend that the Church should stay out of the debate – following the release of “Laudato Si’” and the conversation that the pope’s encyclical letter on the environment has generated.

Effie Caldarola

The Earthiness of Jesus In the Gospels

One of the things I love most dearly about Jesus in the Gospels is His earthiness. As Christians, we’re sometimes tempted to make this God stuff a bit fussy and pretentious. We occasionally lapse into a piety that lacks authenticity. Or we think faith is all about contrition rather than gratitude and joy.

Richard Trumka

Pope Supports Work of Labor Movement

Pope Francis speaks for the church I grew up in when he calls for an organized moral response to the injustices of modern capitalism.

Water Theme Will Run Through Encyclical

Of all the injustices Pope Francis could address in the June 18 encyclical on ecology and climate, lack of access to clean water is emblematic.

Carol Glatz

Pope Will Find Fragile Peace in Bosnia

Pope Francis’ concern for those suffering on the margins and for small Catholic communities that have kept the faith alive through war or repression will take him to Bosnia-Herzegovina in early June.

Congratulations to the Graduates of 2015

When the graduating class of St. Francis Prep, Fresh Meadows, files into St. John’s University on Saturday, June 6, another academic year will be concluding. But here at the Prep, education and faith always continues! We have an expression that we use frequently – “High school is four years, But St. Francis Prep is forever!”

Father Edward Mason

Romero Lives in the Salvadoran People

“If they kill me, I shall rise in the Salvadoran people” – The legacy of Oscar Romero. I have heard this statement of the late Archbishop Oscar Romero countless times as I showed the movie “Romero” every semester to my high school students and read it over and over in books and publications about him. But while in El Salvador in March celebrating the 35th anniversary of his assassination, I saw the truth and reality of these words as I walked and prayed with the Salvadoran people.

Father William J. Byron, S.J.

Church In U.S. Should Be the Good Samaritan

By Father William J. Byron, S.J. Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, archbishop of Tegucigalpa in Honduras and past president of the Latin American bishops’ council, was on the campus of St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia at the end of April to participate in a meeting of about 250 Catholic community organizers gathered to express their hopes […]

Bill Dodds

Sometimes God Tells You to Slow Down

By Bill Dodds Sometimes I sense that God is telling me to rest awhile. And I strongly suspect that sometimes that’s what He’s telling you. I’ve come to realize what I need to pay attention to, what I need to remind myself of, is Christ telling the apostles to “come away … and rest awhile” […]