Rabbi Eric J. Greenberg

My Meeting With Pope Francis

By Rabbi Eric J. Greenberg In early 2012, I received an unexpected phone call from a stranger – an American Jew living in Argentina. He heard I am deeply involved in Catholic-Jewish relations and thought he had a great idea that I could help him with. The former New Yorker had become friendly with Argentinian […]

Following the Pope on Catechetical Sunday

Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person is the theme for the annual Catechetical Sunday, which will be celebrated on Sunday, Sept. 20. This Catechetical Sunday will mark the beginning of a week of great joy and celebration as we welcome our Holy Father, Pope Francis, to the U.S. During these next few days of preparation for his visit, it would be good to reflect on the goals of our 2015-2018 diocesan springboard plan for evangelization and renewal, fittingly named The Joy of Encountering Christ: The Families Hope, in place since Holy Family Sunday of 2014.

Pope Francis Encourages A Culture of Vocations

Many consider Pope Francis a great reformer in the life of the Church today. His visit to the United States will put the Catholic Church in the center of American media. He will be speaking to Congress, the United Nations, priests and religious, people from different faith traditions, families, the poor and the imprisoned. His speeches and homilies will be heard by millions of people worldwide!

When the Lord Tugs Us, Let Us Heed the Call

My tiny, five-pound Yorkshire terrier Sonya, in her old age, first became deaf and then blind. It happened suddenly and quickly. … The reality is that Sonya has to relearn her entire world and how to successfully function in it – but now, in complete silence and darkness.

Appreciating the Value Of Catholic Education

By Arielle Kaminski I have been serving the diocese as the marketing coordinator for Catholic schools and academies for the past three years. As we begin the new school year, I am sad that I will no longer be a part of the Diocese of Brooklyn. I am newly married and I will embark on […]

Taking Long View of HHS Mandate Issue

Early in our community’s history, a group of townspeople who witnessed the Sisters’ humble charity toward the elderly dubbed them the “Little” Sisters of the Poor. The name stuck. Recently, however, we have become known to some as “the HHS Sisters” due to our lawsuit against the federal government over the contraceptive mandate.

Making a Commitment To Find Freedom

I am now beginning to understand what the saints mean when they say that by giving up one’s own will to God, one becomes truly free.

Being Nice Has Its Own Rewards

Good things happen to nice people. As far as philosophies go, that one must rank near the top. It’s a philosophy that makes the world a better place. For people like Kahlil Calixte, being nice inserts him into stories he’ll be talking about for years to come.

Planned Parenthood and The Invisible Children

By now you have probably seen, or at least heard about, the videotapes on which Planned Parenthood officials speak bluntly about trafficking in the organs and tissues of aborted babies.

Live Well and Times Will Be Good

It has been a rough few months for the Church. We are told that disagreeing with the dominant culture by affirming age-old truths is discriminatory and bigoted. Are this summer’s legal decisions harbingers of dark days ahead for those committed to expressing their religious convictions in their daily lives?