Expectations of a World Youth Day Pilgrim

I am very honored and privileged to be attending World Youth Day (WYD) in Krakow, Poland. This is my third World Youth Day, and this one is so special to me because it is the birthplace of World Youth Day’s founder St. Pope John Paul II. There are so many beautiful sites that I am looking forward to visiting and attending Mass.

Church Allows Young People to Blossom

The Catholic Church began my teaching career. As a seventh grader clocking service hours for Confirmation, I became an assistant teacher to pre-k students in a CCD program. The joy that these hands-on lessons brought to the young children further inspired me to strive to become a teacher.

Campaign Helps Restore OLA’s Church Tower

“I’ve learned that I don’t have to be afraid to ask people for help,” Msgr. Noone shared of his experience in the campaign, “People are very willing to give a hand – never underestimate their generosity!”

Understanding Pope’s Comments on Marriage

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, recently stated in some remarks to a Diocesan Pastoral Conference of the Diocese of Rome, of which he is, of course, the bishop, that many marriages may be invalid because of people’s lack of understanding of the nature of marriage and the commitment involved.

The Reliable Saint for Lost and Found

“He is the most reliable saint,” came out of my mouth in a discussion about St. Anthony of Padua. My friend, Angela, glared at me. I realized that she took my statement as a discredit to the many other great saints.

Elijah Is Patron for Type-A Personalities

No matter what our personality types or our missions in life, if we strive to do God’s work, we have to work hard, but play hard, too. Take a break. Go on retreat. Say the rosary. Binge-watch your favorite television program. Do something to nourish yourself.

Church Unfairly Singled Out for Sexual Abuse

Whether we are debating bathroom use, the life of a gorilla in a Cincinnati zoo or the right to life of an innocent unborn child, the issue of the true meaning of justice seems to be at the core of much of what we debate. Seeking justice for those who were abused as children seems like a no-brainer, and any law that might advance that cause must be a great thing. . . no? Always read the fine print.

Reflecting on 50 Years Of Being a Priest

March 26, 1966 – a day I remember as though it were yesterday. A few minutes before 8 a.m., I stood together with several other young men about to be ordained priests in the Church of St. Paul the Apostle in Innsbruck, Austria.

Young People Are Choosing Confirmation

A wonderful, but not very well known event will take place over the next couple of weeks. About 35 young men and women from the Catholic high schools in our diocese will receive the sacrament of confirmation.