How Did We Get to This Point in Electoral Process?

There is a thought experiment in moral philosophy, made famous by Philippa Foot, called the trolley problem. Imagine you are the driver of a runaway trolley that you can steer but not stop. Up ahead, the track forks in two.

Mission Sunday Is Part Of a Very Busy Month

The month of October holds special meaning for all Catholics. First, it is Respect Life Month, when we are reminded of the innate dignity and value of every human life, especially pre-born life, the elderly and infirm, also the poor and marginalized.

‘Laudato Si’ Is an Everyday Response

Pope Francis has designated the time between Sept. 1, the World Day of Prayer for Creation and Oct. 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, as a “Time for Creation: an opportunity to strengthen the common commitment to safeguard life, respecting the environment and nature.”

Old Adage Rings True – Offer It Up!

by Father Robert W. Blauvelt “Offer it up!” How many Catholics are familiar with this every day admonition, usually from a parent or one of the good Sisters in school? I fell and scraped my knee, Mommy. “Offer it up.” I don’t feel well. “Offer it up.” I’m so sad that grandpa died. “I know, honey. Offer it up.

A Good Book Is A Good Friend

During National Literacy Month, Msgr. Steven Ferrari shares how real, old-fashioned paper books have been an important part of his life’s journey.

Doctor Can’t Forget House Call to Calcutta

by Frank DeRosa, When Dr. George V. Lombardi traveled to Rome for the Sept. 4 canonization of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, he carried with him the memory of two women Religious whose impact on him was life-changing: one, his parochial school teacher in Queens; the other, the founder of the Missionaries of Charity herself.

Blessed Teresa: Witness of Modern-Day Holiness

Blessed Teresa of Kolkata came to The Catholic University of America 45 years ago to receive her first honorary degree. If I’d been president of our school at the time I would have tried hard to get a picture of her in a Catholic University sweatshirt.

Father William J. Byron, S.J.

Moving Into a Service Society

As a nation, we tend to forget to read the minutes of the last meeting and are thus condemned to repeating past errors and losing the wisdom gained through past experience. We must not permit this to happen in 2017.

The Transforming Effect Of World Youth Day

I recently came back from covering the diocese’s contingent to the World Youth Day (WYD) in Krakow. It was a blessing and a humbling experience to accompany the 600 teens and young adults from Brooklyn and Queens and try to chronicle how this WYD pilgrimage affected their lives.