Teen Vogue is a magazine for teen and pre-teen girls that focuses on fashion, makeup, shopping and pop culture. Its Facebook page has been “liked” by almost six million people, undoubtedly most of them teenagers.
Up Front and Personal
Trifecta of Feasts Coming on March Calendar
If there was ever a trifecta of Catholic feast days it would be that of St. Patrick, St. Joseph and the Annunciation. Celebrated on March 17, 19 and 25 respectively, these feast days fall during Lent, the most somber period of the liturgical calendar.
Larry Was One of Those Down-to-Earth Saints
Larry Mule from St. Matthias parish in Ridgewood was a good listener and was loved by the RCIA candidates and parishioners. He was exactly what a deacon and every minister of the Church should be, a servant of the people of God, following the example of Jesus.
This Year, Discover The Joy of Lent
by John Fitzgerald, If I had more time I would have prepared much more…. If I knew how important the event was I would have made better preparations. If I had some direction to follow I would have been better prepared.
Queens Group Provides The Bridge to Life
Most people hurry inside. They have already made their decision. It wasn’t the early summer hot spell that slowed 25-year-old Nakia Henry down that June morning, nor was it the slight morning sickness. She had done this before, but this time, just being outside the abortion clinic in Jamaica felt wrong.
Anticipating Spring by Thinking of Gardens
I’ve been thinking a lot about gardens lately. Maybe that’s because it’s wintertime, and all you can do in a garden is watch and wait. Everything is out of your control. Sure, you can prune back a few branches here, spruce up the trellis there. You can collect the fallen autumn leaves that blanket the soil to keep it warm.
We Do Not Choose the Hour of Our Death
I recently read Jojo Moyes’ “Me Before You” about a young man, paralyzed in a motorcycle accident who heads off to an assisted-suicide clinic. Society will continue to attempt to convince us that allowing others to express their “right to choose” is a selfless act. Yet the challenge to accept God’s right to choose when we die is much more difficult.
Jesus’ Dying Wish: That All Christians Would Be One
Christ’s last prayer on earth was for unity. In John 17, He prayed that all of His followers may be one, just as He and the Father are one in the bond of their Holy Spirit. For most of the two millennia of the Church’s history, unity has been an elusive attainment.
Polish Survivor of Holocaust Is Now 95
I reflect on my father’s 95th birthday on Jan. 28, and his legacy as a Polish Catholic Holocaust survivor.
Rescuing Identity of Pro-Life Supporters
I recently signed an online petition at change.org. I’m not ordinarily a petition person, but this one caught my eye. It asked media organizations to show the diversity of the pro-life movement when covering the issue of abortion. It was developed by a group called The Consistent Life Network, and it took issue with the media feeding false stereotypes.