Imagine Being a Christian In Iraq This Christmas

This Christmas season, as we hear about the slaughter of the innocents and the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, imagine that it is happening today. Imagine you are doing something about it.

It’s Advent, a Time to De-Clutter for Christmas

That’s why we have Advent. It aids us in the process of spiritual de-cluttering by giving us time. Waiting for Christmas is precious and is necessary, no matter how rushed the media wants us to feel about our holiday

It Was Grace That Brought Us to Houston

How is it that in the midst of our deepest trials, during the times when we feel stripped down to absolutely nothing, that we could possibly give thanks? Where does gratitude exist in times of what seems like non-existence – when no one fully comprehends the impact of what it means to be homeless except for those living without a roof over their head?

What It’s Like to Meet the Pope

Every now and then, I find in the offices of pastoral leaders and theologians, as well as in the homes of some families I know, a picture of them shaking hands with one of the recent popes.

Kevin Is Proof That Angels Still Exist Among Us

On Friday, Nov. 3, there was a solemn and beautiful celebration at St. Nicholas of Tolentine for Candidates for the Permanent Diaconate. The Mass was celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop James Massa who spoke so eloquently about the importance of the Word of God.

Private Conscience And the Church

by Father John Catoir

The late Bishop Fulton Sheen explained that there are two kinds of truths: “Outer truths, which we master, like the distance of the Sun from the Earth; and inner truths, which master us; for example: God is merciful to the penitent. Inner truths affect a person’s destiny, like a vocational calling; they are matters of conscience.”

Catholics Are Compelled To Honor the Dead

by Rita Piro

November is well known as the time of year when the Church remembers her dead. Right on the heels of the joyous All Saints Day, Nov. 1, comes the more somber All Souls Day, Nov. 2, when we remember those we love who have been called home to God.


To Be or Not To Be Addicted

As old as the poem “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” is, its lesson is very apropos for our technological age.

What God Has Joined Together…

by Father John Catoir

Everyone agrees with Jesus, “What God has joined together, let no man put asunder” – Mark 10:9. When a marriage case comes before any Diocesan Tribunal, the question before the Chief Judge is this: Was this marriage joined together by God, or not? In other words, the presumption of validity can be challenged.