My 95-year-old mother has severe dementia. The disease has robbed her of the ability to do so many things she used to fully appreciate in her life. … But I thank God every day that she is being cared for by compassionate staff in an excellent facility.
Up Front and Personal
I Prayed For This Child
As a divorced/annulled woman, who is now married to the most wonderful husband, I remember trying to conceive without success. … It was difficult. I had lost all hope for a long time.
The Power of Courtesy
“Be known for your courtesy: It alone can make you worthy of praise. Courtesy is the best part of culture, a kind of enchantment and it wins the goodwill of all, just as rudeness wins only scorn and universal annoyance.
Not Expecting Much from Cuba’s New President
On April 19, the new legislature of the National Assembly, the Cuban parliament, after declaring itself officially in session, elected the new State Council, and Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez as its president, who in Cuba is the chief of state and is also president of the Council of Ministers.
What Do You Say to One Abused by a Priest?
“You want to know why I don’t go to church anymore, look at the front page of the New York Post!” I was taken aback as a groom I was preparing for marriage called me and said that to me. I had not read the Post, so I asked him to hold on for a moment and I asked a retired priest I was living with for his copy.
Reliance on Conscience Is Not a New Moral Principle
Pope Francis has my admiration because I hear the voice of love speaking through him. He always stresses God’s infinite mercy.
Jesuits Name First Woman To Direct Relief Services
Joan Rosenhauer’s appointment serves as a one-two punch of sorts, coming at a time in which more than 65 million refugees are currently displaced around the world, and also when the topic of women’s leadership within the Church continues to dominate conversation.
On Easter, the Cross Turns Into a Delight
What a year this has been! First we have Ash Wednesday on St. Valentine’s Day. Now we have Easter Sunday on April Fools Day.
Holy Week: Our Personal Walk with Christ
Spiritual writer, Kathleen Norris, in her book, “The Cloister Walk,” shares her Holy Week schedule. It includes morning prayers, choir rehearsal, evening liturgy services but what I really noticed, was right smack in the middle of her afternoons, she wrote “NAP!!!” Yes, in capital letters and extra exclamation points.
Like a Good Donkey, Be the Beast of Burden
In many parts of the world right now parishes, towns, villages and even whole cities are preparing for the presentation of their annual Passion Play/ Easter Pageant. First staged in 1634, the well-known Passion Play of Oberammergau in Bavaria, Germany began the tradition of the live reenactment of the final period of Jesus’ life from his arrival to Jerusalem to his crucifixion. In the United States, the Park Performing Arts Center in Union City, N.J. is home to the longest running Passion Play in America.