A Moment of Grace, Affirmation and Vindication

Sitting on the couch of a therapist’s office all those years ago, I never imagined I would be happy with the possibility of having a published list of names that includes my own abuser. In fact, I was adamant that there would never be any form of confrontation or public revelation: this was a private matter.

Where Is the Spirit Leading Us?

In the midst of the current crisis in our church – with a once-admired cardinal accused of heinous acts, bishops widely judged incapable of policing themselves, investigators poring through church archives and ordinary Catholics in fits of anger and despair – Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, president of the U.S. bishops’ conference, asked a very brave question recently: Where might the Holy Spirit be leading us?

The World God Created Brings Him Joy

A bitterly cold late January Friday evening found me outdoors at dusk on an “Owl Prowl” in northwestern Connecticut. A few weeks prior, I had arranged with my friend and fellow (though ‘expert’) birder, Ken, to search out the wintering, yet active, nocturnal large birds.

Let’s Walk With Our Youth To Help Shape The Future

Balancing the role of pilgrim and reporter at my first World Youth Day in Panama was a challenge met with miles of walking, talking and being present in the moment. For so many of the pilgrims who shared their story with me, they hoped for transformation and change within their own spiritual lives. Living their faith out loud in their daily lives have been met with opposition and judgment at times.

Abortion Expansion Act Passes in New York

On Jan. 22 – the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade – the Democratic-controlled New York State Legislature passed the so-called “Reproductive Health Act” (RHA). They said it was merely an “update” to our law, that it simply “codified” Roe into New York statutes. Governor Andrew Cuomo touted it as progress for women, immediately signed it into law and celebrated with a party at the executive mansion.

Church Unity and the DMV – Hope for the Future

As I came back from the renewal window, I saw a gentleman, half my age, in complete Greek Orthodox clerical garb. He didn’t look too happy being here on Christmas Eve either. But I felt so happy I couldn’t help but ask foolishly: “What denomination are you?”

We Carry Those We Love With Us Always

Although a quarter of a century has passed since the deaths of his beloved grandmothers, Msgr. Steven Ferrari says he can still recall the upheaval in his family at the time. The winds of grief and sadness blew, the torrents of release and tears crashed against the rocks of faith.

Re-evaluating Reconciliation: The Practice and Availability

Although having a day in Advent – and another in Lent – when churches are open in the different dioceses and everyone is invited to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation is a great idea, I cannot help but wonder if the need to have these extraordinary days is not the result of how almost inaccessible or forgettable the sacrament is during the rest of the year.