Diocesan Assignments – March 15, 2025

Rev. Msgr. William M. Hoppe, from pastor of St. Joan of Arc, Jackson Heights, from promoter of justice, and from defender of the bond, to senior priest status, effective June 30, 2025.

Intellectual Conversions Through Catholic Eyes

I had a strange but ultimately delightful experience in reading James Keane’s new book “Reading Culture through Catholic Eyes: 50 Writers, Thinkers & Firebrands Who Challenge Us & Change Us” (New York: Orbis, 2024, 2010 pp., $25.00).

The True Benefits of A Catholic Marriage

As the Catholic Church celebrates National Marriage Week, there is ample research on the health, economic prosperity, and quality of life of happily wedded couples. According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Catholic faith teaches that “marriage is more than a civil contract; it is a lifelong covenant of love between a man and a woman.

Catholic Schools Week 2025

In anticipation of Catholic Schools Week 2025, The Tablet proudly presents this special pullout section with valuable information for current and prospective Catholic school parents on academies in Brooklyn and Queens.

Beautiful Music Made Me More Sensitive to God’s Creation

Writing this series of columns about beauty has made me a little more sensitive to the beauty of God’s creation and a little more sensitive to how some talented artists have captured some of that beauty in their art. Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins proclaimed a profound truth when he wrote, “The world is charged with the grandeur of God.”

Discover the Heartbeat of Faith: ‘Pulse of the Parish’ Returns

If you’ve ever wanted to get a behind-the-scenes look at a parish and the people who make it thrive, now’s your chance. Currents News, the nightly television news program on NET-TV produced by DeSales Media Group (the communications and technology ministry of the Diocese of Brooklyn), presents a new season of “Pulse of the Parish.”

Haitian Bishop Arrives in Miami After Attack in Port-au-Prince

After sustaining severe burns in a Feb. 18 explosion, Haitian Bishop Pierre-André Dumas of Anse-á-Veau and Miragoâne has arrived at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, where he will receive additional treatment and recover from his injuries.