THE MOUNTAIN THEME throughout the Sundays of this month has served us well, reminding us that our altars are the truest places of encounter with the God Who is so far beyond our human understanding. In His goodness and fatherly love, He visits His people, and by the same mystery nourishes us as we wander through life.
Sunday Scriptures
No Limit to the Reach of the Gospel
Two weeks ago, we climbed the mountain with Jesus and His Apostles, basking in the sweet light of His transfigured face, surrounded by Moses and Elijah. Last week, we returned to the mountain amidst thunder and wind. At Elijah’s side, shuddering with holy fear before the God Who lovingly stoops down to His children, we heard the Voice in the stillness.
Abandon All Fear, Trust in Him
LAST WEEK, WE spent time atop the mountain with Jesus and His closest disciples, Peter, James, and John. Moses and Elijah appeared beside the Lord, rendering Him the full testimony of the law and the prophets. Like living signposts, they directed our attention to Him as the fulfillment of the entire Old Testament. With the Apostles, we watched and shared in Peter’s excitement: “It is good that we are here! “(Matthew 17:4).
A Glimpse of His Grace and Glory
ON THIS DAY in 1945, the detonation of the atomic bomb at Hiroshima served as a pivotal moment not only in World War II, but also in human history, violently punctuating a century that saw more bloodshed than any other.
Heaven Is the Treasure We Seek
At this very moment, I am penning this article from the city of Jerusalem. I, along with two other priests, and 40 pilgrims from the Diocese of Brooklyn are walking in the footsteps of our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ through the cities of Bethlehem, Nazareth and Jerusalem.
The Kingdom of Heaven Is Here
A FEW YEARS ago, I celebrated the funeral Mass for a 92-year-old longtime parishioner. She was very much involved in the life of the parish. She also had a large family with many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Hear and Live The Word of God
by Father Alonzo Q. Cox
AS A GIFT for my First Holy Communion, my mom and dad presented me with my first Bible. It was, of course, a Bible meant and designed for children. It included illustrations depicting many of the biblical passages. The first page had my name, First Holy Communion date and who it was from. It was actually my first encounter with Sacred Scripture. I was excited to have a Bible of my own. And I still have that Bible with me, 27 years later.
Living in the Spirit Of Our Savior
JUST A FEW years ago, when I was in my first parish assignment, I celebrated the funeral Mass for one of our most active parishioners, Alban Brown. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus, Holy Name Society, usher and to top it off, a retired NYPD officer. He was a man filled with the spirit of the Lord. You could always call upon him, day or night to help with events or activities happening in the parish.
We Belong to Christ
We cannot fall into the concept of just giving ourselves to Jesus on Sunday mornings. Our Lord wants an undivided heart.
Guard the Faith Against Darkness
In his jealously of humankind, Satan is out to distort the reality of the Lord’s creation. Indeed, he is out to turn things upside-down, telling us that we are in charge, not God; urging us to put ourselves first, not God and the things of God.