Love Your Spouse as You Love Yourself

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This is the second of a series on the Theology of the Body. When all is said and done, Blessed John Paul II’s book, “Theology of the Body,” is truly an anthropology of the human person.  Modern science has limited itself to studying the origins of the […]

Theology of the Body, Part I

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This is first in a series on Theology of the Body. As bishop, I have noticed one particular area today that seems to be misunderstood, even within church-going Catholic circles, is the human person and sexuality as seen from Sacred Scripture.  Over the next few weeks, I […]

Introducing The Catholic Foundation

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, In 1996, the Alive in Hope Campaign was established under the direction of then-Bishop Thomas V. Daily to provide for the needs of the Diocese of Brooklyn. The original goal of the capital and endowment campaign was $50 million.  Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the people […]

Into the Court Yard of the Gentiles

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This is the text of Bishop DiMarzio’s homily at the annual Chrism Mass celebrated on Tuesday, April 3, at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn. Last October, Pope Benedict XVI issued an Apostolic Letter entitled “Porta Fidei” or “The Door of Faith” which quotes the Acts of the […]

Two Memorable Evenings with Fidel

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, As I prepared for my fourth trip to Cuba, I was asked by The Tablet Editor Ed Wilkinson to offer some reflections about a place of which I have many fond memories. My origins are from the Archdiocese of Newark, as you know, where there is the […]

Religion’s Role in Society

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, In recent months we have heard more about the so-called separation of church and state. Nowhere in the Constitution does this exist. It originates from Jefferson’s response to some ministers that there should be a wall of separation between church and state. One of our first presidents […]

The Joy of Lenten Giving

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The Fourth Sunday of Lent is known as Laetare Sunday or the Sunday on which we rejoice.  Our Lenten journey is half over and we look forward to the joy of Easter. Each year on Laetare Sunday a collection is taken up throughout the United States for […]

A Highlight of the Liturgical Year

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, One of the most rewarding ceremonies of the liturgical year is the Rite of Election, when we welcome the catechumens, candidates for full communion and the candidates completing their initiation into the Church. On Feb. 26, I presided at the Rite of Election held at Christ the […]

Sharing What We Have

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Allow me to begin by personally thanking you for the great success of the 2011 Annual Catholic Appeal.  Without your generosity, we could not continue to provide the ministries and services to our brothers and sisters here in Brooklyn and Queens. The 2012 Annual Catholic Appeal will […]

No Compromise on Conscience

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The recent uproar over the ill-advised United States Department of Health and Human Service’s (HHS) regulations implementing the new health care mandate is not over yet. The protections of conscience in the provisions of this “health care” law need to be strengthened. The new regulations, in effect, […]