Visiting the Church in China, Part II

China is undergoing massive growth, and buildings and towers are springing up all throughout the country. It is a modern society, but it is still a country of the East, and I was very fortunate to have Msgr. Joseph Chiang as my traveling companion. He is an 83-year-old priest who was born in FuZhou City; […]

Visiting the Church in China, Part I

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Recently, I returned from a 10-day pastoral visit to China. My intention was to better understand the Chinese culture so that we in the Diocese of Brooklyn may better attend to the needs of Chinese immigrants. Moreover, I intended to visit with Father John Vesey, a priest […]

A Call for Gun Control

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The events surrounding the massacre of so many small children and their teachers in Newtown, Conn., scarred the conscience of our Nation. The horror that touched upon suburban America is one that we in the city live with all too frequently. I am sympathetic to those who […]

Priests Are Called to Serve with Humility

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The following is the full text of the homily preached by Bishop DiMarzio at the Chrism Mass held Tuesday, March 26 at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn. We have passed through one of the most eventful Lents in our lifetime. Six weeks ago yesterday, the great teacher-pope, […]

We Are an Easter People

On Saturday, March 23, our new Holy Father, Pope Francis, met with his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, in what was the first such encounter recorded in the history of the Catholic Church. Father Federico Lombardi, S.J., current director of the Holy See Press Office, said the meeting was “a moment of profound and elevated […]

Guided by Scripture and Tradition

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, In a “chat” with the priests and clergy of Rome following his abdication of the ministry of St. Peter, our Emeritus Pope, Benedict XVI, spoke about the Church’s understanding of the Second Vatican Council. He gave this address without a prepared text or written notes. This only […]

The Church Is the People of God

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, As we continue our series on reflections on the documents of the Second Vatican Council, this week we will concentrate on “The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church,” or “Lumen Gentium.” The Council’s explanation of the nature of the Church has become second nature to us. Perhaps in […]

Pope Benedict Is an Example to the Aged

by Sister Constance Carolyn Veit, l.s.p As Ash Wednesday approached, I was thinking that this was going to be a Lent like most others. And then came the news on Feb. 11! Even as I pondered what a papal resignation signified, my thoughts drifted back to another season of high emotion – Lent 2005. A […]

Vatican II Encouraged Good Liturgy

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The continuing series on the Second Vatican Council on NET-TV this coming week will focus on the first Council document titled, “Sacrosanctum Concilium, The Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy,” which was issued in 1963. This document dealt with the revision of the Latin Rite liturgy and was […]

Understanding Vatican Council II

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, One of the objectives of the Year of Faith is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Second Vatican Council. To this end, NET-TV, the “New Evangelization Television” of the Diocese of Brooklyn, will be offering a series of 10 episodes that will give […]