Thank You Bishop Caggiano

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The appointment of Bishop Frank Caggiano by our Holy Father, Pope Francis, as Bishop of Bridgeport, Conn., gives me an opportunity to reflect back on his contribution to the life of the Diocese of Brooklyn over the past seven years since his Ordination to the Episcopacy, on […]

The Dialogue with Jewish People

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The Jewish high holy days have passed this week. Rosh Hashana is the solemn celebration of the Jewish New Year, which culminates on Friday, Sept. 13, with Yom Kippur. Each year, I show my solidarity with the Rabbis with whom we are in dialogue in the Diocese, […]

A Step Closer to Priesthood

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, On Aug. 31, I had the privilege in our Diocese in Brooklyn and Queens of ordaining ten men to the Transitional Diaconate. This means, please God, that this coming June we will ordain these men and three others to the priesthood for service to the Diocese of […]

Labor Day Highlights Dignity of Workers

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Labor Day will soon be upon us. Each year on Labor Day, the Bishops of the United States, through the Committee on Domestic Policy, issue a statement in commemoration of Labor Day, which usually focuses on the dignity of workers and labor. This year’s statement by the […]

Poland: A Nation of Great Faith

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This week, I find myself in Poland on a pastoral visit and pilgrimage to the homeland to the over 125,000 Polish-born of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Each Sunday, here in Brooklyn and Queens, we have over 10,000 people attending our Polish-language Masses, and almost 20 parishes with […]

Sharing the Gift of Baptism

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Last weekend, I had the occasion to celebrate two Baptisms. The first one on Saturday was for my great-niece, Laura Grace, daughter of my nephew Frank DiMarzio and his wife, Priscilla, who is a Brazilian-born immigrant to the United States. On the next day, by happenstance, I […]

Reaching Out to Millennial Generation

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Reflecting on World Youth Day 2013 in Brazil and the prospects for the New Evangelization, during the last week I have given a great deal of thought to what World Youth Day can mean to the future of our Church, and, in particular, to our Diocese here […]

Pope Responds to Youthful Enthusiasm

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This article is written on my last day in Rio de Janeiro at the end of World Youth Day 2013 (#WYD13). As a bishop, this is the fifth World Youth Day I have participated in. Each one has been a unique and fulfilling experience for me, and, […]

Summer Recharges Our Batteries

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Now that we are midway through our summertime, a time for leisure and vacation, perhaps reflection on the meaning of leisure time may help us to truly use this down time that most of us have during the summer months. In the past, summers were a time […]

Faith Leads to Truth

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, In this week’s Tablet, you will find the first encyclical by Pope Francis entitled, Lumen Fidei (The Light of Faith). This encyclical was begun by Pope Benedict XVI to complete the trilogy, which began as the Encyclical of Love, Hope, and now Faith – the three theological […]