Strengthening the Future of the Diocese

Our parishes and Diocese must look to the future with plans to strengthen our faith. With that in mind, we are embarking on a bold initiative entitled Generations of Faith.

Our Popular Pope

As we prepare for the Papal Visit to the United States, and in particular to New York, during the next several months, it might be well to focus on the Pope whom we will welcome.

Preach the Story of Salvation

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This is the complete text of Bishop DiMarzio’s homily at the Chrism Mass, March 31, at St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral, Prospect Heights.

Finding Jesus Is a Matter of Faith

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Several Sundays ago, the Gospel portrayed for us the Greeks who went to Phillip and asked the question, “We want to see Jesus.” This question has been repeated millions of time during the two millennium since the death and Resurrection of Jesus. People want to meet Jesus. They want to meet Him in the flesh, but also, more importantly, they want to meet Him spiritually.

The Scourge of Pornography

As we begin Holy Week, with the celebration of Palm Sunday, sometimes called Passion Sunday, we recognize that a modern-day passion event is unfolding in our society.

Praying with Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Our Diocese of Brooklyn is committed to the spiritual and emotional well-being of victims who become survivors, and what an important way to begin with this focus group of survivors who have shared with us what would be meaningful to them.

Meeting Needs Around the World

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This weekend, March 14 and 15, the Diocese of Brooklyn will take up the Catholic Relief Services Collection that funds six Catholic agencies that work to serve our suffering brothers and sisters around the world. Through humanitarian aid, resettling displaced individuals and families, and providing legal and […]

Exploring the Genius of Women

Several weeks ago, the Pontifical Council for Culture conducted a conference meant to bring understanding to the role of women in our culture and in our Church.

Support the Diocese’s Good Works

As the Lenten season begins, I reach out to you, the faithful of Brooklyn and Queens, to ask your assistance in supporting the ministries of the Diocese of Brooklyn through a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal. On behalf of those we serve in our diocese, I take this time to thank you for your generous response to the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal and ask you to commit yourself to helping the Diocese reach our 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal goal.