A Messenger of Peace

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This article is written on the eve of the Apostolic visit of Pope Francis to the U.S. As we await his arrival from Cuba, we express our hopes that his visit to our Nation will bring about a better understanding of human dignity and the need for […]

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The month from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 has been declared Hispanic Heritage Month. This celebration began in 1968 as a week-long event, and was made a month-long-celebration under the presidency of Ronald Regan in 1988.

Pope Brings a Message of Peace

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This week, we have commemorated the anniversary of the terrorist attack on America on Sept. 11, 2001. That day is etched in the memory of all people in the United States, most especially the people of the New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania metropolitan regions who experienced firsthand that terrible day in our history. We cannot erase from our memories the horrific recollections of that day. However, we can learn from those experiences that no matter how great was the tragedy which we experienced, the resiliency of our faith enables us to come back and to become stronger from such a terrible experience.

Our Schools Meet Challenges to Faith

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, In my pastoral vision for the New Evangelization, which I wrote in 2007, I asked Catholic schools of Brooklyn and Queens to strengthen their efforts to identify and fulfill their Catholic mission. Four years later, when the Preserving the Vision Strategic Plan for Catholic Education was announced, we emphasized that the true mission of Catholic education for the Diocese of Brooklyn is to lead those entrusted to our care to find salvation in Jesus Christ, a mission that should be shared by all involved in Catholic education.

Relevant Message on the Radio

During the past several months you may have listened to a new Catholic radio station on 1430 AM which is called Relevant Radio. It has come to us from the Midwest and has made a wonderful entrance into the New York Metropolitan area.

Summer as Re-Creation Time

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Summer vacations are times when we can truly recreate. Not in the sense of physical enjoyment but rather in the sense of re-creation from which the word comes. Yes, summer is a time when we need to re-create the image of God that has been placed in us from our Baptism. We need time and distance upon occasion in order to take stock and rededicate ourselves to our life’s calling. Vacations are times away from our daily work where we can reflect on its true meaning, recharge our batteries, if you will, and return to our life’s work renewed with vim and vigor.

Mary, Our Model for Living

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, I read an interesting article on icons recently. It is important to understand these images that come from the Eastern tradition and which contain in themselves its whole theology. For example, the clothing of Jesus and Mary shows the colors red and blue, but they are reversed in that Jesus usually has a red tunic and a blue mantle while Our Lady usually has a blue dress and a red mantle.

A Tranquil Invitation

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Last January, when I visited the Holy Land and stayed at the Neocatecumenal Center overlooking the Sea of Galilee, I had the unique occasion to witness a sudden storm which came seemingly out of nowhere and produced large waves on a normally tranquil lake. It truly looked like a sea at that time.

Caring for Our Senior Priests

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, During the feast of St. John Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests, we are called to honor and remember those who have helped shape our lives as Catholics.

Make Earth a Better Place

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, As I read the latest Encyclical of our Holy Father, Pope Francis, “Laudato Si’, On Care for Our Common Home,” I could not help but remember my own grandfather, who coincidentally was named Francesco. I learned from my grandfather the essentials of human ecology at a time perhaps when it did not even have a name. He taught me respect for the environment; never waste water, always make sure that the lights are turned off, recycle everything that we use, make a compost heap in the garden, make sure that nothing is wasted.