Pope Offers Practical Ways to Love

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This week, I will continue my analysis of the Apostolic Exhortation, “The Joy of Love.”
The Pope opens the fourth chapter with the beautiful “Ode to Love” by St. Paul in First Corinthians. This passage is almost universally chosen by brides and grooms to be one of the readings at their weddings.

The Joy of Love Is in the Family

This week, I begin a series of four articles in which I hope to give you a sampling of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of our Holy Father, Pope Francis, entitled, “Amoris Laetitia,” “The Joy of Love.”

The Healing from Abuse Continues

Last year, the diocese offered its first Mass of Hope and Healing requested by survivors of sexual abuse. There was a very positive reaction on behalf of survivors, lay faithful, and clergy. Many stated how they experienced it as a grace-filled evening. This year, the second Mass of Hope and Healing will take place on Thursday, April 21, at 7 p.m., at Our Lady Queens of Martyrs Church in Forest Hills.

How to Encourage Religious Vocations

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The phrase, “Pray to the Lord of the Harvest so that He may send out laborers into His harvest,” is not the suggestion of a priest, bishop or even a pope. Rather, it is the command of the Lord Jesus, Himself, that if we are to have sufficient laborers in the vineyard of the Kingdom of God, we need to pray.

Developing a Sacramental Spirituality

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This is the full text of Bishop DiMarzio’s homily from the Chrism Mass celebrated at St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral, Prospect Heights, on Tuesday, March 22.

Jesus Is Risen

This Easter, we have the unique opportunity to see the recently released movie called Risen. Unfortunately, the movie has been much criticized. It is an attempt to portray the death, resurrection and post resurrection appearances of our Lord, Jesus. Biblical events are present in the movie, however, as we know, even the eyewitness accounts, which we have in the Scripture, do not do justice to the real events.

Healing the Wounds of Sexual Abuse

This week we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph, protector of the Child Jesus and model for the Church in the protection of children.

‘What Are You Sorry For?’

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The season of Lent is a time of reflection and, for most of us, it means that we can frequent the sacrament of reconciliation at least once during this season. One might say that the sacrament of reconciliation has fallen on hard times. Long ago were the days when long Saturday confession lines were a normal feature in our Church history. Although the frequency of confession has greatly diminished among our Catholic people, the need for confession remains.

Welcoming Our Newest Members

The Rite of Election, on the First Sunday of Lent, is a highlight of the Liturgical Year. On that day, those who are to be baptized at Easter, those who are to make a Profession of Faith in the Catholic Church, and those who are to complete the sacraments of initiation of communion and confirmation come together in ceremony. Here they are inscribed in the Book of Election, signifying that they have been chosen worthy to be admitted to the sacraments at the Easter Vigil.

A Chance to Share the Gospel

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, On behalf of everyone served throughout our Diocese in Brooklyn and Queens, we begin the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal, “Share The Joy of the Gospel,” by thanking those who so generously responded to last year’s Catholic Appeal. If not for the commitment of our parishioners to this annual initiative, the basic services and ministries offered by the Diocese would not be possible.