The Advent Journey Has Begun

As we put out into the deep as Christmas comes we must recognize that the Savior has come, but effective witnesses are continually needed to convince the world that indeed He is here.

Understanding the Journey Home

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, During November, dedicated to the memory of the departed, we can meditate on our eventual departure from this world and what it means in light of what the Church teaches. Recently, I read a wonderful book in Italian written by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, entitled “C’è un dopo? La Morte E La Speranza” (“Is There Something Afterwards? The Hope for Eternal Life”).

Liberty and Justice for All

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Last week, we went to the polls to elect a new President, as well as legislators and judges. This past week, the winning candidates began the process of transition from campaigning to governing.

Celebrating 20 Years as a Bishop

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

This is the text of the homily preached by Bishop DiMarzio as he celebrated a Mass of thanksgiving Oct. 30 marking the 20th anniversary of his episcopal ordination.

An Unprecedented Election

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Of all the political campaigns that I have witnessed, this certainly has been one that has most frustrated the American people.

Prudence at the Polls

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The last two weeks we have been exploring our Catholic faith and the matter of political responsibility. We have established already that the purpose of individuals coming together and forming a government is to serve a common good. Last week we spoke of “religious freedom” as a […]

Church Must Be Active in Public Debate

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, In many parts of the world Christians are suffering intense religious persecution. Last year, over 7,000 Christians were martyred for the faith leaving some to wonder whether we are witnessing a new genocide. Chaldean Christians in Iraq and Syria face the brunt of the violence. However, they are not alone. Those that live in places like Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Libya are also at risk. Many more Christians are facing political and economic discrimination in places like China and India.

Who Deserves Our Vote?

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Winston Churchill, quoting one of his obscure predecessors, remarked “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” This year’s election certainly seems to bolster the Prime Minister’s position. Many have commented upon and much has been written about the inadequacies of both the […]

On Pilgrimage to Rome and Holy Land

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, It is my pleasure to provide you with a report on our diocesan pilgrimage during the Year of Mercy to Assisi, Rome and the Holy Land, including Galilee and Jerusalem. The itinerary was a wonderful one to celebrate the Year of Mercy because all of the sites we visited did give the pilgrims insight into the mercy of God.

Parishes Ready to RENEW the Faith

Starting Oct. 2, parishioners throughout the Diocese of Brooklyn will experience a comprehensive process of evangelization and spiritual renewal through programs developed by RENEW International called “ARISE Together in Christ.”