Faith Is Action. Will You Take Action?

Thank you for coming to this, the 119th Anniversary dinner for the Cathedral Club of Brooklyn. The Club was founded in 1900 – not by me – but by then Father George Mundelein, who would later become Cardinal Mundelein of the Archdiocese of Chicago.

From Conception to Natural Death

Since becoming Bishop of Brooklyn in October of 2003, each week I have written the column “Put Out into The Deep” for The Tablet. I sometimes wonder if anyone reads the column. My column last week on the question of whether Governor Andrew Cuomo should be excommunicated from the Church, generated many comments and letters.

A Life-Changing Event for Young People

Having just returned from World Youth Day in Panama gives me a chance to tell you about this life-changing event for many young people from around the world. These events are held every two to three years. I, myself, have participated in every World Youth Day since the Year 2000. During these events, one can see that the youth come to a deeper appreciation of their faith, not only encountering the Holy Father but also fellow young Catholics from all over the world.

Learn, Serve, Lead and Succeed

Catholic Schools Week is a time for everyone to celebrate the great success stories of Catholic education within the Diocese of Brooklyn.

We Can Help Alleviate Pain of Poverty

January has been designated as Poverty Awareness Month by many organizations. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops joins with the Catholic Campaign for Human Development in calling attention to the issue of poverty, especially in our own country.

A Dangerous Place for Human Life

Each January, we remember a sad part of our American history that happened in the 1970s with the Supreme Court ruling in Roe vs. Wade which made abortion legal for any reason up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, and any time after that if the mother’s life is at risk.

Called To A Sublime Vocation

For the past 52 years, January 1 has been designated by the Roman Pontiff as the World Day of Peace. The 2019 message of the Holy Father on this occasion is entitled, “Good Politics at the Service of Peace.” The announcement was made by the Vatican press office emphasizing that “Political responsibility belongs to every citizen and, in particular, to those that have received the mandate to protect and to govern.”

The Peace That Jesus Has Won For Us

St. Francis of Assisi is credited with having established the custom of the placing of the Child Jesus in a crèche, or presepio as it is called in Italian. The first presepio was assembled in the town square of Assisi where people and live animals depicted the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Power of Forgiveness

Monday, December 17, is Reconciliation Monday in the Archdiocese of New York and the Diocese of Brooklyn. This custom began several years ago in Rockville Centre during the Lenten Season. Now all of the Downstate dioceses have adopted this custom where you can be sure that from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm in most every church of these dioceses you can find a priest who will hear your confession.

The Graced Days of Advent

Advent is a time of grace, called “Kairos,” a Greek word which means a graced time. As we have begun Advent, we recognize that it is our preparation time for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.