No Rest for Pope Francis in Peru, Where a Divided Society and Church Await

After three trying days in Chile, facing a sex abuse crisis and several layers of political tension, not to mention the specter of churches being attacked while he was in town, Pope Francis might be forgiven for hoping he could throttle back a bit as he heads to Peru on Thursday.

In Chile, Pope Asks Forgiveness

Pope Francis, in his first formal speech in Chile, asked forgiveness from those who were sexually abused by priests.

Pope Francis Speech At Santiago Cathedral, Chile

“Here I am, Lord, to do your will”. In this meeting, we want to tell the Lord: “Here we are”, and renew our “yes” to him. We want to renew together our response to the call that one day took our hearts by surprise.

On Visit to Women’s Prison, Pope Hears Children Suffer Most

Pope Francis was visibly moved on Tuesday as he visited a prison for women in Chile. Beyond the setting, in itself touching for a man who’s made a point of visiting prisons, what seemed to stir the pope most were remarks by Janeth Zurita, one of the inmates.

Pope Says All Pay ‘Heavy Price’ for Abuse Scandals, Including Clergy

In his second public acknowledgment on Tuesday of the clerical sexual abuse scandals that have rocked Chile in recent years, Pope Francis told priests and religious that many have had to “pay a heavy price,” sometimes facing insults in public for the mere fact of wearing clerical attire.