Wanting to Know More About the Twelve Apostles

The Gospels don’t give us very many biographical details about the Twelve Apostles, and this biblical scholar — among others — wishes there were more. In Sunday’s Gospel they are identified by name as those who answered Jesus’ call to work in the abundant harvest of the Gospel.

Keeping the Commitment to Living Out the Faith

As the youngest and the only adopt¬ed child in an immigrant family, my primary years were spent experienc¬ing members of our household leaving the only place I used to call home. One by one I watched them leave for the United States.

Today We See Jesus Fulfill His Holy Father’s Purpose

Donald Bevan and Edmund Trzcinski were prisoners of war in a concentration camp in Austria. They translated their experiences into the play, “Stalag 17,” which in 1953 was made into a movie with the same name.