Living the Great Commandments

by Father William R. Dulaney IN THE WELL-KNOWN musical, “Fiddler on the Roof,” Tevye and Lazar sing, “God would like us to be joyful even when our hearts lie panting on the floor; how much more could we be joyful when there’s really something to be joyful for?” Fortunately, even in the midst of life’s […]

Have We Given to God What Belongs to God?

by Father William R. Dulaney INTENDING TO entrap Jesus, the Pharisees’ disciples inquire of Him in today’s Gospel, “Teacher, it is lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not?” Knowing their malice, calling their attention to Caesar’s inscription on the coin that pays the temple tax, Jesus responded, “Repay to Caesar what belongs […]

He Never Stops Inviting Us

by Father William R. Dulaney “DO YOU want the good news or the bad news first?’ Guaranteed to get our attention, likely to unnerve us, this question suggests our joy at glad tidings may be overshadowed by upsetting news we’d rather not hear. Unless we’re careful, bad news can so discourage us that we forget […]

Transforming Our Lives to His Will

by Father William R. Dulaney Some laughter or chuckles from the congregation at the right moment assure a preacher that he got his point across. While a homilist may find it amusing to notice one person in a pew gesturing to another as if to say, “he’s talking about you,” he hopes everyone gathered for […]

Going Beyond Our Spiritual Blind Spots

by Father Caleb Buchanan When we are immersed in serious fights and arguments with our friends, loved ones, classmates, co-workers, neighbors, fellow parishioners and enemies, we tend to cause a great deal of damage to ourselves and others by trying to prove that we are “right” in moments of conflict. When we get caught up […]

Embracing the Joy and Demands of God’s Kingdom

by Father Caleb Buchanan “LAUDATE, laudate Dominum! Omnes gentes, laudate Dominum! Exultate, iubilate per annos domini, omnes gentes!” “We praise you, we praise your Holy Name, God of justice, eternally the same. May our living be thanksgiving, rejoicing in your name now and always!”* This glorious and marvelous refrain resounds in cathedrals all over the […]

Living Our Lives in a Spirit of Forgiveness

Many powerful preachers have spoken about the “privilege of knowing God.” As Christians, it is a tremendous blessing to know the Lord Christ Jesus and pursue the “blessed life” of the Kingdom on His terms. In the second reading from the Letter to the Romans, Saint Paul makes the terms of the Lord very clear […]

Restoring Right Relationships With God and Others

by Father Caleb Buchanan WE LIVE IN a society that is quick to treat conflict, moral failure and the need for conversion in the harshest and most destructive ways. Unfortunately in our everyday lives, local communities and even houses of worship, we fail to give people the benefit of the doubt in times of disagreement. […]

Taking Up Our Crosses, We Are Configured to Christ

 by Father Thomas Catania As it happens, today is the anniversary of the dedication of our Cathedral of St. James in the Diocese of Brooklyn. The event will be observed only in the cathedral itself, but it is apparently God’s idea (if God directed the composition of the Lectionary, and who am I to say […]

What Has the Creator Enabled You to See?

by Father Thomas Catania YOU DON’T WANT to get me started on the subject of professional athletes’ salaries. I really don’t care whether the Mets or the Yankess bring joy (or misery) to your summer evenings — they’re all overpaid. Maybe it’s because there are so many teachers-in-training at the college where I teach, but […]