Taking a Lesson from The News

by Father William Dulaney AMONG THE HEADLINES and items that appeared in the pages of The New York Times, the New York Post, the Daily News, and The Tablet during the first few weeks of May, 2012, were the following: • “NATO Soldier Killed” • “Arrests and Violence at Overflowing Rally in Moscow” • “200 […]

Be Open to New Experiences of God

by Father William Dulaney Jessica and Steve believed their marriage was solid. Unfortunately, more frequent arguments and an uneasiness they’d sensed recently had them concerned. Mom and dad eagerly awaited Maria’s birth. On their way home from the hospital both acknowledged the fears and anxieties they were experiencing now that they were parents. Antonio beamed […]

Put Pride Aside and Join in at Holy Mass

 by Father William Dulaney CHANCES are many of us have said or heard something like this: “People tell me I’m okay. I have a steady job, love my family, and treat others with respect. I’ve never hurt anyone. I help others whenever I can, work as a volunteer, donate blood, and contribute to charitable causes. […]

Our Motivation Is Guided by Our Relationships of Love

by Father William Dulaney Love, relationships, and memories – how amazing, how mysterious!  lt’s hard to imagine what our lives would be without them. I recall talking with a high school senior after his father died. Though looking forward to graduation, he was subdued. Dad had been his role model and mentor; he, Dad’s pride […]

The Good Shepherd Still Calls

by Father James Rodriguez On this fourth Sunday of Easter we continue to rejoice, feeling the warmth and light of the paschal flame, divided but undimmed. However, as human beings we have a tendency to forget. Good Friday already seems so long ago. The hunger of fasting is replaced with feasting and the pounds lost […]

Change By The Power of the Cross

by Father James Rodriguez People don’t change. That is the lie that most of us have been trained to believe, perhaps from our own personal experience, or from the brokenhearted warnings of others. People don’t change. It is easy to believe. After all, who among us has not been hurt before? Who among us finds […]

Divine Mercy Is Always Available

by Father James Rodriguez MERCY. It is at the very heart of today’s readings. It is a commonly misunderstood word, yet the Word of God teaches us on this second Sunday of Easter that it is essential. In a vision, our Lord showed St. Faustina the now-popular image of His divine mercy (see photo). In […]

Changed By the Secret of Easter

by Father James Rodriguez IN THIS COLUMN last week, I wrote about an icon of Christ crucified. Through closed eyes, the image starkly reminds us of the price of our redemption. At the end of this holiest of weeks, the light of Christ’s resurrection opens our eyes and shines all around us. In another beautiful […]

A Love So Great He Gave It All

by Father James Rodriguez ONE OF THE MOST powerful features of religious iconography is the penetrating stare of the subject’s eyes. Whether it is an image of our Lord, His Blessed Mother, or any of the saints, there is something incisive and profound about the subject’s eyes that cuts deep into the soul of anyone […]

Genuine Glory Is Found On the Cross

by Father Jean-Pierre Ruiz FRIENDS OF MINE who are Yankee fans shook their heads in disbelief when I told them that I once sat next to Jorge Posada and his family on a flight from San Juan to New York and had no idea who he was until the flight was over and the flight […]